Currently I only get 1 unit - a second is downloaded when the 1st is about 60% done. Can I get e@h to download more units, so I can keep it running when I am not at home, or on more than 1 machine?
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how do I get e@h to download more units?
I think it depends on the applied HDD-space in your profile. Check your preferences (in your E@H account) regarding BOINC-used disk space, share of total disk space, memory,etc. in the General Section. As well as the Resource Share in the E@H Preferences (only important, if BOINC is used for more than one project).
Just check your preferences and modify them to more suitable. You could also modify the value in Network usage, which determines the amount of work cache.
Hope this hints are helpful.
You have to increase the
You have to increase the 'Connect to network about every (determines size of work cache; maximum 10 days)' in the General preferences to a higher value. I hve it at 2 days, and it keeps 2-3 on my puter.
But beware of the deadline ;)
And of old Boinc (<4.2x) with multiple projects, which will not be accounted for ;)
The (very good) manual for Boinc is the BOINC Powered Projects Documentation by Paul D. Buck and the FAQ therein.
Grüße vom Sänger
> Currently I only get 1 unit
> Currently I only get 1 unit - a second is downloaded when the 1st is about 60%
> done. Can I get e@h to download more units, so I can keep it running when I am
> not at home, or on more than 1 machine?
MORE THAN ONE MACHINE? --> just download BOINC on each and attach using the same key
multiple computers will show up on your account
see my account as an example (click my blue underscored name on this posting then on the line that says computers; click on the blue underscored word "view")
a Chicago user who likes to be usefull
[b]Yes just edit your general
[b]Yes just edit your general preferences and you will get as much at a time as your HD can handle.
On this machine I have a 200gig HD so I have 6 at a time and I run the same on my 80gig HD on another and if you are running a fast processor 24/7 they have no problem getting them done on time.
I tried this on my old machine (PIII 500 w/13gig HD) and it took all day to do just one so that is all I tried.
And that site by Paul D. Buck is nicely done too.
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-Samson ben Yoseph-