Alright there,
I started up boinc and everything went fine. Having rebooted my machine and trying to load boinc, the message pops up 'Another instance of BOINC is running' when it is not!
There are no processes of boinc nor einstein shown, so there is no instance of boinc running. Any thoughts on what to do?
One workaround I am not happy with at all, is to switch to root and fire up boinc from there. Yet, I'd rather know why I can't run boinc anymore under my local_user account?
Secondly: While my machine can do something like 1000+ Drystone and 2000+ Whetstone, BOINC runs only on around 500 MFLOPS on average. How do I increase its usage? I have already tried to set my computer to full throttle.
NB: my CPU load is only on around 20%
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LINUX: 'Another instance of BOINC is running' but it's not!
Well, regarding the speed issue I have identified the problem, which was due to a setting on my machine and not a problem with BOINC.
However, I still don't know why BOINC does not allow my local_user to start BOINC but instead moans that 'Another instance of BOINC is running'.
Any suggestions, guys?
your thoughts - the ways :: the knowledge - your space
Had similar problem during
Had similar problem during testing in feb. and indeed found a boinc-process left.
Start-up 'top' in a xterm and kill that process and restart boinc will solve the problem.
If installed locally boinc will run fine albeit slow and quite often with 0 credits with some of us.
Another possibility is that
Another possibility is that another program is already useing port tcp/1043.
In that case, boinc claims, that it is running already.
check: netstat -ltnp
(is any process listening on port tcp/1043 - if so, try change it in it's configuration)
if not, try: netstat -tnp
(is any process useing port tcp/1043 as it's connection source - if so try restart it)
I also needed boinc to bind different port that 1043. I just changed it in source code and recpompiled.
Which client version are you
Which client version are you using? On 4.19 and before the port it checks and uses is 31416. Maybe you have a firewall / iptables / ipchains setup that blocks these ports even from localhost?
> If installed locally boinc
> If installed locally boinc will run fine albeit slow and quite often with 0
> credits with some of us.
Do I understand you correctly that you advise my to let BOINC run via root?
your thoughts - the ways :: the knowledge - your space
> Which client version are
> Which client version are you using? On 4.19 and before the port it checks and
> uses is 31416. Maybe you have a firewall / iptables / ipchains setup that
> blocks these ports even from localhost?
thanks guys with for the advise with the port's check. I use client 4.19 and port 31416 is correctly assumed by BOINC.
I will do a reboot later on and then run all the hints through one by one once again. Maybe I can find the error.
Having said that, I have realised now that I have uploaded two WU already but nothing is shown on the einstein site. Rather the status remains unchanged 'in progress'. I hope it will appear shortly...
your thoughts - the ways :: the knowledge - your space
> > If installed locally
> > If installed locally boinc will run fine albeit slow and quite often with
> 0
> > credits with some of us.
> Do I understand you correctly that you advise my to let BOINC run via root?
No, do not run as root; the remarks I made just point to a general "problem" with the native linux version concerning speed and points credited; a number of users, like me, prefered to run the windows version of Boinc by emulatimg windowz through the wine programm.
If prefered also, you could do a search on this subject in the forum page.
I noticed a note of the developers that the validation proces has been improved recently however, so maybe just start with linux native
> Having said that, I have
> Having said that, I have realised now that I have uploaded two WU already but
> nothing is shown on the einstein site. Rather the status remains unchanged 'in
> progress'. I hope it will appear shortly...
They need not only to be "uploaded" but also "reported", which are two different steps that have to be done for each Result. The upload is done to the upload server while the report is sent to the scheduler.
> They need not only to be
> They need not only to be "uploaded" but also "reported", which are two
> different steps that have to be done for each Result. The upload is done to
> the upload server while the report is sent to the scheduler.
Thanks for the explanation. The first results are shown on the web page now, too.
your thoughts - the ways :: the knowledge - your space
Have you gotten past the
Have you gotten past the "another instance" problem yet?
If not, check ps and make sure there really isn't an instance of it somewhere running. If you are sure it's not running, there is an empty lockfile in the boinc directory that it touches at startup. If it didn't shut down properly (ctrl-c before rebooting) it may not have released the lockfile. Just delete this file then you'll be able to start it again.