WUs (15 of them) - where are they?

Gary Perasso
Gary Perasso
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Topic 189885

On 10 Sept.: 15 WUs - RESULTS list 15 WUs "in progress" (the 10th is when they downloaded)

Today - 13 Sept.:
I only have 2 WUs in "Work" in BOINC - still have
the above 15 on my "Results" page. Don't think they
were crunched.

Any reason for this happening at this time?

Using Mac G5 Dual 2.7, BOINC 4.43, E@H 4.82

Gary Perasso

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WUs (15 of them) - where are they?

This is the Ghost WU phenomenon. The server thinks it sent you them, but you never received them.

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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Suggest you upgrade to the

Suggest you upgrade to the 'development' version of the client. Try: looking at the hidden newer versions here. Your client is prior to 4.43 and so can't report WU in progress back to the scheduler. Using a newer version should fix that.

Director, Einstein@Home

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I've got the Ghost WU problem

I've got the Ghost WU problem also. My new Powerbook, ID 352389, has seven WU that are claimed to be downloaded, but I never received. All are in the l1_1355.5 dataset and were downloaded on 9/9/05 around 1630 UTC. I'm running the optimized 4.82 client using BOINC Superbench 4.44 from Team ManNN as CLI on this machine. I'm not sure it has any bearing on the case but on Monday 9/6/05, I got this new machine at work. My old PB had a broken hinge on the screen, so the techs just swapped my hard drive from the old one to the brand new one. Both PBs are G4 machines with 1 GB RAM, and both are using OS 10.3.9; the old one one 1 GHZ and the new 1.67 GHz. When I started up BOINC on the new machine, it continued processing existing WU for E@H, SETI, and CPDN.


Gary Perasso
Gary Perasso
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Bruce - Thank for the

Bruce - Thank for the suggestion regarding the BOINC client (but I'm using 4.43). I'll try the experimental 5.x BOINC for the Mac.

My ghost WUs seems to be a one-time event.

thanks again.

Gary Perasso
Gary Perasso
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I downloaded BOINC 5.12 for

I downloaded BOINC 5.12 for the Mac (OS 10.4.2)

E@H then downloaded ALL the Ghost WUs (14 of them).

Now, Seti and Climateprediction WUs are listed as 'preempted.'

Not exactly what I wanted to happen.

It will take tru the weekend to work them . . . . . and then it should be back to 'normal.'

Thanks for the help and suggestions. Gary P

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