I have a wu that is statused as "ready to report" for the last 2 days. Another wu has started and is running. Anything I need to do to push it out?
Just go to the Projects Tab & Click on the Einstein Account, then Update it and it should be sent & gone from the Work Tab then ...
You can also just leave it and the scheduler will automatically grab it prior to the WU deadline, or when more work is downloaded. Whichever comes first. :)
> Just go to the Projects Tab & Click on the Einstein Account, then Update > it and it should be sent & gone from the Work Tab then ... >
That did the trick. Thanks!
WU waiting....
Just go to the Projects Tab & Click on the Einstein Account, then Update it and it should be sent & gone from the Work Tab then ...
You can also just leave it
You can also just leave it and the scheduler will automatically grab it prior to the WU deadline, or when more work is downloaded. Whichever comes first. :)
> Just go to the Projects Tab
> Just go to the Projects Tab & Click on the Einstein Account, then Update
> it and it should be sent & gone from the Work Tab then ...
That did the trick. Thanks!