The same thing happens to me, from time to time. E@H just refuses to send any job... resetting doesn't work either. Only detach and reattach fixed it.
If you are running multiple projects, then most likely this behavior is normal. When you run into this situation, post the messages from a manual update. But most likely it will be a long term debt issue.
The link in my sig goes to the wiki. Search for work fetch and long term debt. Any questions? Post back here and someone will try to answer them for you.
WU, I'm not getting any ?
None. Your E@H resource share is only 16%. There is some info about how BOINC determines which project to run, see [[Work_Scheduler]].
Team Linux Users Everywhere
RE: RE: As the tittle
But ... wouldn't some possible courses of action be:
Not running lots of other projects, if that is the case.
Changing preferences to increase how much of your computer you let BOINC use.
Etc. ... ?
The same thing happens to me,
The same thing happens to me, from time to time. E@H just refuses to send any job... resetting doesn't work either. Only detach and reattach fixed it.
RE: The same thing happens
If you are running multiple projects, then most likely this behavior is normal. When you run into this situation, post the messages from a manual update. But most likely it will be a long term debt issue.
The link in my sig goes to the wiki. Search for work fetch and long term debt. Any questions? Post back here and someone will try to answer them for you.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator