I wish you guys had some better equipment there! I currently have over 5,000 WU to be processed and or sent and I keep getting the message "Project is Down" so what has happened to things? I Like giving my CPU time to the project but wish it was not down as often as it has been lately.
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
What is the problem with your Servers?
No way! Do you mean 5,000 credits? 5,000 WU convert to roughly 27,000 credits which is 20% of your total credits or 32 days of crunching with your RAC of 825. BTW: They never had such a long outage, so the problem is on your side.
This is not only his
This is not only his problem.
I cant connect report or look at the results.
It's getting really annoying as I dont know if these WUs are real data or just dummy or crap
if the server cant process or show my results it might be possible it is unable to sent correct WU; they might be sent multiple times or just contain random data, who knows?!
I cant sent my result every now and then (like just now) but I also cant look at my personal result (doesn't realy care about this) but also at the project results
Which makes me think to stop processing Einstein because one of my cores is bored for hours and shouldnt be this project already finished????
(I can remember there have been just a few estimated days left, but I have seen this a month ago or so. Since then, only this forum seems to work)
These decentraliced processing projects do have some value, for science (at least we all think so) and more or the less for each person contributing some of his cpu power, energy consumption, ...
so why do they not use a real database instead of these play-around open source things????
Some people need to take a
Some people need to take a moment and look at this a different way.
You are volunteering your spare CPU cycles. If those cycles are not used, is it hurting anyone? Why not also think about adding another project?
All the projects use the same backend software (BOINC), which is written under a grant from NSF, which means they only have so much capital to purchase certain licenses. So they go with what they can afford.
You are not forced to be here. You do this of your own free will. Most of these projects are non-for-profit, and have a skeleton staff. They work more jobs that just the projects, most of the time (many are full time professors, etc.). So their time is also limited.
Please do not think you are being gipped out of anything. Work will get done, it will get validated. We are under no constraints.
Chill a little.
RE: This is not only his
Yes it can be a little frustrating, I have over 5,000 pending credits when the "norm" for me is around 500 (~1200 has ben the MAX pending credit in several years). But you can be confident that the problem is not on your side and that your work will eventually get validated and credited.
However, if you feel the need, you should be able to report your completed WUs by congifuring BOINC to not allow new work. Getting the new WU is the part that is most difficult. If you want to make sure your WU gets reported, disallow new work and then update. Remember to allow new work after your WUs are reported so that you will get more work when a schedular is free to respond. And pleae don't update repeatedly as that only creates more server requests and makes it more likely that someone else will not get a response.
If your concern is really about your CPU not doing anything productive with its "idle" time, get involved in other projects in addition to E@H.
Even I as a retired
Even I as a retired astronomer get a bit put out by constant server problems. I am terminally ill but try to contribute my computer cycles and hands on work with Stardust@home to keep my mind active. As to the comment by Pooh Bear 27 "You are not forced to be here" Just ignor it. I am sure he is a good and decent human being. It's obvious because he has contributed much to true science but even good people tend to be judgmental and crude in their "not qualified for sainthood remarks." All of us are quilty at times. Believe it, he means well. In other words when it comes to advise from self appointed spokes persons take it with a grain of salt. Just keep pressing onward and things will straighten out over time. I was a bit impatient in the early years but had to grow over time to revise my complaining attitude. I only have 1 computer and participate in:
Stardust@home (Hands on work)
2 instances of FightAIDS@home
and help college students work toward their degree's in astronomy. As long as I am alive I will do all I can for true science.
Emeritus Member: The American Astronomical Society
Member: The American association of Variable Star Observer's
Member: The Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Member: The Planetary Society
Remember, I learned nobody is perfect and I am a perfect example of it. So lets
keep on keeping on for all the research we are involved in. Much of it will better humanity over time. Just wish the folks at Einstein@ home well and hang in ther for them. Their good folk.
@Ronald C. Spencer wise words
@Ronald C. Spencer
wise words spoken
beside I dont actually know to whom they have been addressed they fit to most people writing in forums
anyway, aren't forums made, more or the less, for complaining ;-)
of course I am not forced to run this project
but I do and therefore I expect at least a minimum on feedback
like a web server up and running showing the total results
I can't realy believe the people of Einstein are just one or two students doing a spare time job; bringing such a thing up and running, planning, coordinating, programming and much much more, is not done easily
as these projects are also related to universities, they will have a little amount on budget or at least workforce to do this job or help in situations like this
RE: so why do they not
I know before i get told by everyone im off topic.
But what your problem with Open Source? Yes you have to fix some things yourself and others fix some things and generally things get fixed. Paid programs only get fixed by one company and there can be quite a lag in this.
I like my Open Source stuff. Its free, generally has about the same amount of bugs and often performs better than what you pay for (IE vs Firefox is a perfect example). The cost of it is sometimes you get to track down and/or fix the bugs, but personally i find too many cooks rarely spoil the open source broth. things just move faster. It can get costly in downloads and updates though as changes happen so often.
My computer geekiness
My computer geekiness quotient isn't high enough for me to always know whether a problem is from my end or yours. I, too, have been seeing "server can't open database" and "project is down" reports. I'm sorry that it may be at your end.
I get great satisfaction in being part of the advance of human knowledge. I am also subscribed to the seti project. My computer (an older,slower emac, condemned to a dialup connection due to my residence in a rural area) just keeps plugging along as best as it can. I second the previous statement - let us just chill out a little. The ultimate goal is the advance of knowledge - the rest is a minor amusement. If that isn't satisfaction enough - go bet on your local sports team. -Denny Dwyer
[quote .. But what your
But what your problem with Open Source? ...