If my PC crunch WU, then BM send result, sending process is OK, BM say: Result send. But on my accout is this WU reported as: In progres.
Possible problem with firewall or something on my PC?
Rosetta, Milkyway are OK
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Upload of result
Most likely everything is fine. After finishing a result, two things must happen before you can see the WU as being finished on the web pages:
1) the result is uploaded to the server, this usually happens immediately after the result this finished
2) the result is reported to the servers. This usually happens quite a bit later, but also automatically. The delay is intended. Most of the time, several completed results can be reported together, which is more efficient for the servers than getting individual reports for each result.
Hope this helps
Well, the big problem right
Well, the big problem right now is that the scheduler is down. Thus, no reports or new work assignments can happen until it comes back up.