Unhandled exception

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Topic 192387

Does anyone have any ideas what happened on this result from this workunit.

When my machine downloaded the original, it was allocated a potential credit of 52. The reallocated unit has been returned from another machine, but they were only preallocated 24 credits. The result sent out with (just before) mine has not yet been returned, so at the moment I don't know whether that will error, or claim 52 or 24.

I've never seen one like this before.


Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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Unhandled exception

The person that claimed the smaller amount is using a very old version of BOINC (4.45) that does not count flops.

So the 52 would be correct, and if you look at all the results on that computer, all are in that 24 area, but get the 52 credit.

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RE: Does anyone have any


Does anyone have any ideas what happened on this result from this workunit.

When my machine downloaded the original, it was allocated a potential credit of 52. The reallocated unit has been returned from another machine, but they were only preallocated 24 credits. The result sent out with (just before) mine has not yet been returned, so at the moment I don't know whether that will error, or claim 52 or 24.

I've never seen one like this before.


The other result (claiming 24 credit) was done with:
This old client did the benchmark and credit claiming totally different. The final credit will be something like 52 credits...
...but your result ended with a computation error and will grant no credits at all...

[Edit]Pooh Bear 27 was just a few minutes faster than me... but I was already preparing the answer so I didn't notice it...[/Edit]


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