I'd like to see HTTPS for the website and for the project scheduler/downloading [1].
Seems like a really imporant thing to do security wise. Could someone hijack the schduler and have E@H users do arbitary work?
I'm happy to help with the infrastructure side (I work in Linux tech support), if there is anything I can do..
[1] https://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/SecureHttp
[2] https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=einstein.phys.uwm.edu
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Turn on HTTPS/SSL by default?
I like this suggestion. All sites should default to encryption. Especially if the site handles user information.
Or make users download binaries infected with trojans?
Just noticed the site is now
Just noticed the site is now HTTPS, very nice!
One thing I noticed was that I got a warning when pressing the login button saying that the page is encrypted but the information sent to the server is not.
Anyway, great work guys. Definitely a big step forward. Thank you.