This is the first occurrence of this problem. Did not find a thread on it. So, as to inform,
completed at 100% and reported status as waiting to run. Waited to see if E@H would upload, no. Tried to manually update project through client prior to abort to no avail. Deadline passed and I aborted task as it seemed it would not clear by usual means.
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Task complete, status shows ready to start
You should have waited for it to restart, upload and report.
RE: This is the first
That's weird, because the reported CPU- and elapsed times are zero.
Did you try a reboot before aborting the task?
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

Tullio, Waited over 48 hours
Waited over 48 hours with no action and task went past deadline. I should have waited still?
Gruß Yes it was weird. I was
Yes it was weird. I was looking at the task when it happened. Task showed 100% and went right to waiting to run. Didn't try a reboot.
RE: Tullio, Waited over 48
Sometimes some of my WUs' (I am running 6 projects) stop at 100% done, and then restart and upload when other projects stop running. But 48 hours is too much, I agree. Some QMC@home ORCA alphas have behaved like yours and I aborted them.