I am sure I read this somewhere on the forums before, that Thierry posted somplace a request to unhide the computers, but I cannot find it anymore.
So I am asking again, is it possible that the standard "Hide Computers" in the Preferences is set to No, so we can help people a bit faster? Unlike the Admins, we normal souls haven't got a clue as to what the other side is running, so we have to ask, usually 3 times.
I don't know what bright bulb thought of putting the standard notation to No, but it is hampering giving help to people. So please, turn it off.
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Standard Show Computers
> I don't know what bright bulb thought of putting the standard notation to No,
> but it is hampering giving help to people. So please, turn it off.
Whilst I might sympathise with your comment completely, I can't see that it would be right and proper to make the default behaviour something that might make a privacy conscious person feel nervous. People have a right to expect that default behaviour will offer them maximum protection.
Having said that, I would suggest a FAQ entry which points out that if you want maximum help and assistance from your co-crunchers, please change your preferences to unhide your computers so that others can look at whatever problems you might be experiencing. There have been a number of cases where help has been hindered by hidden comps. A person wanting to help someone with a hidden comp could refer them to the FAQ where they could also find the instructions on how to do it.