Setting resource share

Lee Hanxue
Lee Hanxue
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Topic 197559

Is there a way to set the resource share for Einstein@Home tasks?

At, there is an option:

Resource share
If projects contend for resources, the amount allocated to a project is proportional to this number. The default is 100. Note: this is not a percentage. If a computer is attached to 2 projects, each with resource share 100, each project will get half the resources. If a project is given a resource share of 0 it will not receive any resources unless other projects are unable to provide tasks.

I don't see this option available in the web interface of Einstein@Home

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Setting resource share

Assuming that you are logged into your account at Einstein@home, on your main account page (the one that says your account at the top and lists your username just below it) find the preferences section and click the Einstein preferences link in the third line in that section.

Resource share is the top parameter on the resulting page. Take good note that it appears several times, once for each location (also known as venue). To adjust the resource share for a given host for Einstein, you will need to know which location you have that host assigned to, and click the edit link at the bottom of the parameter list for that particular location.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Is there a way to set

Is there a way to set the resource share for Einstein@Home tasks?

Hi Lee, welcome to Einstein@Home. We hope you enjoy your stay here!

I had a look at your account data and it suggests that this is the only project that your computer is attached to. Resource share only has the affect of sharing resources between different projects. It has no effect on allocating resources to a single project. If you were looking to control resources allocated to a single project, there are other settings for that. For example, your machine has 8 virtual cores. If you wanted to limit how many of these were available for crunching, take a look at the computing preferences link on your account page.


Lee Hanxue
Lee Hanxue
Joined: 20 Apr 14
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Hi Gary, Thanks for the

Hi Gary,

Thanks for the reply. I run a couple of projects on BOINC. At the moment 2: Einstein@Home and World Community Grid. Both are defaulted to a resource share of 100. I cannot find any way to tweak this value.


Lee Hanxue
Lee Hanxue
Joined: 20 Apr 14
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RAC: 3839

Thank you archae86, I see it

Thank you archae86, I see it now at

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