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Topic 188836

when i first downloaded e@home i had more colors on my screensaver now all the stars are black instead of white and what used to be pink is now also black please help me

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> when i first downloaded e@home i had more colors on my screensaver now all the
> stars are black instead of white and what used to be pink is now also black
> please help me

I can say with almost 100% certancy It's your Monitor or Computer
that has a problem, try to reset your monitor and then your property's....


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> > when i first downloaded

Message 9939 in response to message 9938

> > when i first downloaded e@home i had more colors on my screensaver now
> all the
> > stars are black instead of white and what used to be pink is now also
> black
> > please help me
> >
> I can say with almost 100% certancy It's your Monitor or Computer
> that has a problem, try to reset your monitor and then your property's....
> Tim
> thanks tim but itried to reset settings that did not work and i dont know how to reset my monitor specifics please thank you again and in advance. stephan

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You need to merge your Puters

Message 9940 in response to message 9939

You need to merge your Puters I dont think you have that many....

Your monitor or your graphics are a problem, Of course your operating system
might need upgrading....

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