Running Boinc on Knoppix?

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Topic 188869

Just wondering if it's possible. I seem to be downloading work fine but results are not being generated.

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Running Boinc on Knoppix?

> Just wondering if it's possible. I seem to be downloading work fine but
> results are not being generated.

In the folder that you're running boinc in, do you have write priveleges?
Ie.. if you're using /mnt/hda1/ have you right clicked and selected 'change read write mode' to allow writing to that drive?

Also, NTFS are not natively written to by linux. You may have to use the captive ntfs to write results to your boinc folder.

If you have NTFS and are having issues with using captive NTFS write drivers.. you could use qtparted to shrink the NTFS drive down a bit so you can throw in a 200 meg FAT partition onto your drive, so you don't have to fiddle about with captiveNTFS drivers.

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