I am running an Athlon 64, 4400x2 dual core, and trying to run three projects.
1. How should resource sharing be set up to allow the same amount of time for each project?
2. What numbers should I put in the resource sharing boxes at the project sites?
My apologies, I am new at this distributed computing and trying to find my way.
My sincere thanks for any help.
Best regards to all, Rob
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Resource Sharing Dual Processor, Three Projects Problem
Most projects have a default resource share of 100; if you leave them all there, they should each get the same amount of CPU time, on average. BOINC Manager will show these shares as percentages in the Project tab (33% each for three). Modifying a project’s resource share changes its ‘weight’ in an averaging formula. For example, if you have three projects and change one of the shares to 200, it will get 50% (200/400 = 1/2) of the time and the others 25% (100/400 = 1/4) each; changing another share to 50 will result in a 57%-29%-14% split (respectively 200/350 = 4/7, 100/350 = 2/7, 50/350 = 1/7).
The default interval for switching between projects in the normal “round robin� mode is one hour; although you’ll find BOINC often switches on completing a WU, regardless of the time since it started or resumed, it will make sure your resource shares are honoured in the long run.
Setting up shares to earn equal amounts of credit across projects (should one wish to do so) is a lot trickier.