Recived my invite today

Joined: 9 Feb 05
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Topic 187478

Just got signed up and am downloading now.. at last :)

Joined: 9 Feb 05
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Recived my invite today

> Just got signed up and am downloading now.. at last :)
same here....happy crunching!

Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Joined: 9 Feb 05
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Here as well! Glad to be

Here as well! Glad to be onboard.
They must be sending out the final batch of invites now.

Joined: 9 Feb 05
Posts: 4
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same here :-)

same here :-)

Divide Overflow
Divide Overflow
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Same here. Finally!

Same here. Finally!

Joined: 9 Feb 05
Posts: 18
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If the id's are given out

If the id's are given out sequentially it looks like quite a few invites were sent out today.

Flinders Medical Centre
Flinders Medica...
Joined: 2 Jan 05
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Welcome new people! Quite

Welcome new people!

Quite a few members at our team also report new account Keys... it will be interesting to see just how many have been released!


Teamless? Drop by SETI Synergy and look around. Also checkout our famous BOINC World Stats

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
Joined: 15 Oct 04
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> Welcome new people! > >

Message 2459 in response to message 2458

> Welcome new people!
> Quite a few members at our team also report new account Keys... it will be
> interesting to see just how many have been released!

I just sent out approximately 6500 account keys. This should include everyone who registered at the APS World Year of Physics Web site prior to January 20, 2005, AND who indicated willingness to be a tester.

Note: people who registered at the APS web site multiple times using the same email address (and who did not change the email address in the E@H database) should not get multiple account keys. People who registered at the APS web site with multiple different email addresses, or who registered multiple times with the APS using a different email address than is currentlyl in the E@H database, may get multiple account keys. Please feel free to pass on any unused account keys to friends, colleauges, or family.


Director, Einstein@Home

Joined: 10 Nov 04
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I've gotten an extra account

I've gotten an extra account that I don't need. If there is still someone in need, I could forward the email...
Joined: 22 Jan 05
Posts: 33
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> I've gotten an extra

Message 2461 in response to message 2460

> I've gotten an extra account that I don't need. If there is still someone in
> need, I could forward the email...
Please forward it to my new team mate, he wants to join but no accout, may use my email address:
Thank you in advance.

Do You Dare?
Potrebujete pomoc?

Steve Cressman
Steve Cressman
Joined: 9 Feb 05
Posts: 104
Credit: 139654
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Thanx for the invite Bruce.

Thanx for the invite Bruce.
Glad to be finally crunching E@H wu.

98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8

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