hello crunchers.
is there a properly working client for einstein,
i searched for it,but found that einstein is not a
open source,and some people seam to have one,but have
it,not working,well.
i am not in experimentel things ,so somebody might now,
a good one,who works well,let me know
thanks--rene holland
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properly working optimized client to run
There are no "optimized" applications for E@H. It is not open source, like
SETI is. But you can find the latest (official) beta applications
at the beta test page
Team Linux Users Everywhere

Be a bit careful with the
Be a bit careful with the Linux beta app, though, that one's having some issues atm. On some boxes it's running just fine, others, like one of mine, have yet to successfully complete a single WU with this app. Can't say anything about Windows (not so much into that except for gaming) and Mac; FreeBSD is rock solid and even fast, at least on the (relatively few) boxes it's running on so far.