This project, E@H

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RE: I'll do what I can as I

I'll do what I can as I can. I will do more this summer than I did last so it isn't all bad.

I don't quite have the same problem, but i have a plan for for hot weather. Night crunching, which has the benefit of cheaper power here.

I don't know what exactly the windows equivalent is but on Linux you can autostart at a particular time and use a script or cron to shutdown later.

I have written a script to monitor some temps and when a threshold happens it does

/usr/sbin/rtcwake -m off -s 7200 which turns off for two hours to let things cool. rtcwake will take different parameters and allow for an absolute time to restart etc.

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RE: RE: I'll do what I

I'll do what I can as I can. I will do more this summer than I did last so it isn't all bad.

I don't quite have the same problem, but i have a plan for for hot weather. Night crunching, which has the benefit of cheaper power here.

I don't know what exactly the windows equivalent is but on Linux you can autostart at a particular time and use a script or cron to shutdown later.

I have written a script to monitor some temps and when a threshold happens it does

/usr/sbin/rtcwake -m off -s 7200 which turns off for two hours to let things cool. rtcwake will take different parameters and allow for an absolute time to restart etc.

Thank you for that. I have 4 Linux boxes I can use that on. ;-)

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Yes I can understand that

Yes I can understand that Pops

When I built my house back in 2002 I made it so the entire upstairs is just for things like my 7 computers.

On the NE end is a window with a large fan blowing in the air across all of them and into the other end of the house and back outside for the circulation.

And I have another big fan in the middle of them blowing directly into the 560Ti since it is the hottest one and I have all the side panels off and the power supplies all sit on top of the box.

Of course during the hot summer days the air coming in is not very cool but it is better than the low 80's C that the 560Ti will get.

And another good thing is even on hot days I can get a nice north wind coming in that window.........and of course at night and the early part of the next day the temp goes back down into the low 50's F or better.

I found my room got even better when I put a door at the bottom of the stairs to keep the hot air from rising upstairs from the rest of the house.

This will be the 5th summer running all my GPU cards 24/7 and so far I haven't destroyed my GeForce cards or the PSU's

Good luck this hot season where you are Pops.

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I wish I could do something

I wish I could do something like that. Last summer I just gave up and shut down almost everything. I am determined this year to keep more going. One of the biggest problems is the humidity here in the summer. I am in Nashville and when the temp is 90-95f and the humidity matches the temp my adult daughter and I are both miserable. The rest of the family handles heat OK, we do not. So I usually have 2 months that any heat is a problem.

I do have some things I am going to try this year. Besides a few more Raspberry Pis I am going to put more CPUs on here and fewer on WCG. I have a few GPUs I will try and run at night. We'll see how it goes. I can adjust as needed. I am here all the time so can snooze them if needed on the hottest days. I have 10 PCs and 11 GPUs so there is some flexibility. 4 of the PCs are family member desktops so they will be on most times except hottest nights. Rest are 24/7 crunchers, so night only for a couple and off hottest nights. I have done other projects and am content with what I did except I will always have cores on WCG. But even there I have done OK and I want to do more here. Have been trying different PCs to see which the GW work units are best on. I really want to do more GW work units. A matter of balance and finding which does what best.

Anyway thanks for all the ideas and tips.

Cheers everyone!

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How can you not be amazed at

How can you not be amazed at the thought of your computer analyzing data, from this glorious dish, that has probably traveled for millions of years to get here. And a few here have been fortune enough to have had their computer find the signature of a pulsar.

Of course there is also the amazing Arecibo. So many projects have looked at it's data. I am now running all three searches, makes me feel well rounded. ;-)

Now add gravitational wave searchs. We go from searching for hyper-massive, hyper-spinning hyper-magnetic objects light-years away to the signature of 2 black holes merging. I think I am getting a nose bleed. Gonna go lie down and try and regain my calm. lol ;-)

I've been active in distribute computing for 12 years. And when it gets a little boring I just watch a Ted talk or youtube video on this stuff and I am reminded how amazing it all is. Sometimes I do searches on Google Images for radio telescopes. I never tire of looking at them.

Anyway, amazing stuff. Glad to be a small part of it.


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I'd like to thank the team at

I'd like to thank the team at E@H for supporting the Raspberry Pi's. I know they don't contribute much in the way of computing power but I see them as a great little entry-point computer for people to to try out distributed computing. Without projects supporting them that wouldn't happen.

Having just gone through summer down here the only computers I could leave running 24/7 were the Raspberry Pi's. The "grunty" machines need a lot more cooling. I don't like the heat either :-)

Once again thank you team and the fellow crunchers for all the support. Maybe one day one of my machines might find something in all that data :-)

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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I like satellite dishes too

I like satellite dishes too

I built the 10ft dish way back in 1983

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Cool! I bet your neighbors

Cool! I bet your neighbors wonder what you are up to. ;-)

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Well I live in the middle of

Well I live in the middle of my 5 acres on the Olympic Peninsula so I don't have any neighbors that can see those satellite dishes or my house.

I just have birds and deer and other critters

Adam Socki
Adam Socki
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What do y'all do with your

What do y'all do with your "at(@) home" satellite dishes? Just curious. :P

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