Last week I was unable to get WU's so detached/attached to the project. The result was half-success. I've recived WU. However on friday I've received 6 defected WU's (or at least the client have sent them back with Client Error). On Saturday I've received a WU that crunched OK. After that (Saturday night) I could not receive any WU. So I tried again to detach and re-attach to the project. For a couple of minutes nothing happend, the Client didn't showed my preferences neither the project name (just the URL address). Now I'm receiving the application.
My question why I need to detach reatach in order to get WU? (the never entered in panic mode)
I'm using the official 4.43 Core under Windows XP SP2.
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Problems to get WU's
Both of the received WU's ended with Computation error. Should I suspend the project?
You need to stop detaching so
You need to stop detaching so much and just be patient, plus you have 4 computers listed, if you only have one I suggest that you merge them into one......
Link to Unofficial Wiki for BOINC, by Paul and Friends
You need to stop detaching so
You need to stop detaching so much and just be patient, plus you have 4 computers listed, if you only have one I suggest that you merge them into one......
Thanx, I've merged them. But what else can I do to receive WUs? (that's the only way to continue to receive WUs if I don't get any for couple of days)BTW, now I've received 2 WUs that actually can be crunched.
I've had similar problems ...
I've had similar problems ... wu's finished and u/l, but haven't d/l any new work for 3 - 4 days now. Will be patient and not detach ... wonder if it has anything to do with 4.43 - just upgraded last week and haven't gotten work since. Four different computers, four different speeds, and either XPSP2 or win2ksp4. Any other suggestions?? Try 4.44??
Correction ... the pc running
Correction ... the pc running 4.25 boinc cc did d/l a wu on Sunday, but the pc I upgraded to 4.43 has not.
Read this post from Seti@H
Read this post from Seti@H and it should explain a lot.....
From a post by mmciastro
Adrian, I dredged this reply from JM7 to another user up from the past, it might answer some questions. I'm also trying to find a link to an official Boinc explanation of the new scheduler for you.
John McLeod VII
Volunteer developer
Volunteer tester
Message 108016 - Posted 6 May 2005 0:37:43 UTC - in response to Message ID 107647.
I've started this thread since the other one was getting too big to wade through and I couldn't easily see the answer to my question(s). I know 4.__ is development.
A question on the debt, long_term_debt and resource share.
On my laptop I have 37 LHC wu's, three SAH wu's and no predictor wu's with the following set up.
Project Resource Share
LHC 500
Predictor 250
SETI 250
Client_state.xml show the following for debt and long_term_debt.
Project Debt Long_term_debt
LHC 42440 28736
Predictor 0 -15053
SETI 0 -13683
1. Are these debt numbers in seconds?
2. BOINC has not downloaded Predictor in 24hrs and I have none in the cache (which defeats the purpose of a cache). Will BOINC download work when the long_term_debt gets to be above 0?
3. Why does BOINC allow a cache to run down to zero work - doesn't this defeat the purpose of BOINC?
It doesn't really defeat the purpose of BOINC. This is done to ensure that deadlines are all met. BOINC is still doing multiple WUs during the same day. BOINC has never guaranteed that all projects would have work at the same time. One side effect of this is that if the debt is small and negative when the WU is completing, the report will be made fairly quickly.
4. How is the long_term_debt calculated?
The same way that debt is with the exception that LT debt is shifted so the average is always 0.
5. How often are the debt numbers calculated? Is it every time a project update happens?
Once a second. Along with debt and a query whether anything has to be done like download work, upload files, report work... There is a polling loop that does all of this once per second. It was already there, I just made a couple of modifications.
6. Do the long_term_debt numbers mean that BOINC will continue crunching LHC for another 28736 seconds?
No. The short term debt in the state file determines which runs next (highest wins) unless the CPU needs to be in crunch earliest mode in which case the earliest deadline is used instead.
7. How is the resource share used with the debt calculations?
The resource fraction and the CPU time used for each project determine the offset in the debt. Resource fraction for a project = resource share for the project / total resource share. debt += wall time * resource fraction for project - CPU time for project. All of the debts are shifted after they are all recalculated. ST debts are shifted so the smallest is 0, LT debts are shifted so the mean is 0.
8. When BOINC eventually downloads predictor work, it's deadline period is 7 days whereas both LHC and SETI are 14 days, since the predictor deadline will be sooner than both LHC and SETI, will BOINC only crunch predictor until the predictor wu's run out and then only crunch LHC and SETI to reduce their long_term_debt and not download any more predictor since it will have a negative long_term_debt?
Not necessarily. It depends on whether the CPU scheduler determines that a deadline is in danger of being missed if it does not use Earliest Deadline First mode. Normal mode (highest ST debt next) is preferred.
9. Will BOINC debt scheduling only really work properly once the LHC and SETI deadlines are within the same time frame as a predictor wu and then project resource sharing and wu caching will work effectively ? So in effect BOINC will be bouncing between having pred work to no pred work until the LHC and SETI wu's are 7 days old?
It should work just fine in just about all cases. There are a couple of pathological cases that are not protected, but I am hoping that these are rare. If a project is allowed to download work, and there is already some work that has a deadline of say 7 days, and the current work will take 2 days, and the new work that is downloaded will take 7 days and has a 7 day deadline, there will be trouble.
In general normal mode where the highest ST debt gets the next time slot (think about the way that 4.25 works, and this is what normal mode is). Only if there is a danger of a WU being late will Earliest Deadline First be used.
The criteria for Earliest Deadline First:
1) A deadline is earlier than 24 hours from now.
2) A deadline is earlier than 2 * the queue size. This allows modem users to report work on time more often.
3) If you order the WUs by deadline and start adding the remaining processing times, is there any place in the chain where the sum is greater than 0.8 * (the deadline - now).
The criteria for no more work from anywhere.
1) See #3 above.
2) More than a maximum number of projects on the host (default is 5, and it can by changed by editing the global_prefs.xml file).
3) If the sum of required time fractions is greater than 0.8. The time fraction for a WU is the processing time remaining / the wall time remaining.
Live long and crunch!
Link to Unofficial Wiki for BOINC, by Paul and Friends
Your client error Results
Your client error Results have this message in them:
CreateProcess() failed - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (0x20)
Do you have 2 Boincs running at the same time?
I had a problem with 2 boincs running at a same time some time ago, but I
can't remember what my error was and how I fixed it. :P
But I do remember that I did have difficulties to find the "hidden"
boinc-startup.(maybe it was in the registery somewhere..)
Maybe an uninstall of Boinc would help IF you have 2 instances of boinc.
.oO(Have a feeling that is not enough though.)