Hey everyone, I see this problem too on my computer. I also don't think its related to the problem with the Web site front end (https://einsteinathome.org/content/web-site-down-2019-04-19), which should be fixed. (This problem seems to have started before the above 'general' Web site problem.)
It's a holiday weekend and I'm out of town. And I won't really have the time to debug this until next week. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll get to this when I get back to the office.
Update: After I posted this I thought of: clearing the Web site caches, which sometimes solves these problems. Right now the host, workunit, and task (result) pages look to be working again. Please inform us (here) if you see additional problems, but again: I may not be able to get to them until next week.
marmot wrote:Sent dm to BERND
Might be worth copying to SHAWN KWANG - he usually picks up website problems.
Hey everyone, I see this
Hey everyone, I see this problem too on my computer. I also don't think its related to the problem with the Web site front end (https://einsteinathome.org/content/web-site-down-2019-04-19), which should be fixed. (This problem seems to have started before the above 'general' Web site problem.)
It's a holiday weekend and I'm out of town. And I won't really have the time to debug this until next week. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll get to this when I get back to the office.
Update: After I posted this I thought of: clearing the Web site caches, which sometimes solves these problems. Right now the host, workunit, and task (result) pages look to be working again. Please inform us (here) if you see additional problems, but again: I may not be able to get to them until next week.
Einstein@Home Project
Thanks Shawn. I've just
Thanks Shawn. I've just tried it and it's working correctly for me. Thanks very much for your 'thoughts' - they are obviously very good ones! :-).