The Numbers Don't Add Up

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Topic 189736

I have a question for this thread, I just began reading the message board, so it may have been answered already.

My BOINC manager tells me that I have 8386 credits, but when I look at my team page online, my computers have about 200 less credits listed. The total for the team listed above that is about 1200 less than the sum of the credits for the two of us on the team listed right below the total. On the "Top Teams" page we have even less than the total from our team page.

The Seti pages are all correct, but Einstein is not. Why would this be?

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The Numbers Don't Add Up

if you check the bottom of the teamstats and "top"stats, you will see a timestamp there, "generated....."
these stats-pages are not real-time but updated at regular intervals, so there will be less credit on those pages then on the participants account page, unless you check right after the update ;)
same goes for most other projects, including SETI.

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RE: if you check the bottom

Message 15799 in response to message 15798

if you check the bottom of the teamstats and "top"stats, you will see a timestamp there, "generated....."
these stats-pages are not real-time but updated at regular intervals, so there will be less credit on those pages then on the participants account page, unless you check right after the update ;)
same goes for most other projects, including SETI.

One minor correction: there is no schedule for generating these pages. They are generated as needed with a time limit on the cached copy.


BOINCing since 2002/12/8

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Thank you for showing me the

Thank you for showing me the timestamp. It explains why the numbers would be behind the actual totals.

Do you know why the numbers don't add up?

Total credit 11,405.73
Recent average credit 152.34

Total credit Recent average credit
JLev419 8,386.55 124.10
Mark 4,223.13 86.82
total 12,609.68 210.92

All the numbers are on the same page. It seems to be stable at about 1200 points behind the actual sum below it.

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RE: One minor correction:

Message 15801 in response to message 15799

One minor correction: there is no schedule for generating these pages. They are generated as needed with a time limit on the cached copy.

The timestamps I see when I look at those pages always seem to refresh about every 30 minutes,
looks like I mistook the time limit for an update interval :(

Do you know why the numbers don't add up?

I don't, but now you've pointed it out I'm keeping an eye on it.
For now I would guess the team total credit is calculated before the individual participants credits are updated.

I shouldn't try to spell this early in the morning ;)

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ok, now I'm totally

ok, now I'm totally confused.
your current team total matches the total participants credit I found on BOINCStats for the 12th of this month :S
there goes my previous guess, right out the window.
I am stumped, lost and confused now.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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Team credit is only

Team credit is only accumulated while members are in that team. So, if I joined the team today, the credit for the team would not be credited (or should not be if Einstein@Home is using the "standard" BOINC policy) with my current total.

As I earned credit from this point forward the team would get the credit I earned as I earned it.

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lol it seems lack of sleep is

it seems lack of sleep is making me miss the obvious :(

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Okay, so the thought is that

Okay, so the thought is that I may not have started my team at the time that I began my account, so the first 1200 or so credits were not credited to the team. Okay, that would make sense. I think that I started the team at the time I began the account, but I may be wrong. Thank you for your time and energy in this matter. I appreciate it.

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RE: Okay, so the thought is

Message 15806 in response to message 15805

Okay, so the thought is that I may not have started my team at the time that I began my account, so the first 1200 or so credits were not credited to the team. Okay, that would make sense. I think that I started the team at the time I began the account, but I may be wrong. Thank you for your time and energy in this matter. I appreciate it.

Also even if you did start the team at the same time the first few workunits may have been teamless. The workunits normally keep the team that they were downloaded with.


BOINCing since 2002/12/8

Michael Karlinsky
Michael Karlinsky
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RE: Also even if you did

Message 15807 in response to message 15806


Also even if you did start the team at the same time the first few workunits may have been teamless. The workunits normally keep the team that they were downloaded with.

I suspect the critical point in time is credit granting. I recently
joined a team and did

1) join (team had 0 credit)
2) unsuspend network activity, so WUs were reported

And credit was immediately granted and was added to team stats.


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