Not requesting work for Intel GPU - why? Please help.

Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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RE: RE: Maybe worth to

Maybe worth to make it more clear on properties page.

It seems really odd to me. Looking at the valid tasks page for Richard's host with Intel graphics on it, the Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU) selection has no entries, while the Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) selection has lots of returned work. Just to add to the noise, the Application column on that page for these tasks includes the string "opencl-intel_gpu".

So in order to get intel GPU work, you must tick the (apparently) non-GPU box if you are not just allowing everything!

I'd venture that will mislead plenty of people.

I'm contemplating a build soon using an i3-3225 (2-core Ivy Bridge including HD 4000) with GTX650. This preference behavior would have tripped me up for sure.

I think that if you make a mental note of the HD 4600 as a co-processor (like a FPU), rather than a discrete GPU, it makes sense. That 12.57 GFLOPS wouldn't make much impact on a full 16-bundled task package designed to keep a mega-GPU off the server's back for a respectable period of time.

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Richard Haselgrove wrote:I

Richard Haselgrove wrote:
I think that if you make a mental note of the HD 4600 as a co-processor (like a FPU), rather than a discrete GPU, it makes sense.

After this conversation I imagine I'll remember it, but if having other participants get desired behavior is a goal, then this line of thinking might suggest changing the explicit reference to this capability as GPU in the preferences section, and also in the application column of the results page.

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