New Add-On Software

Charles Dennett
Charles Dennett
Joined: 22 Jan 05
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Topic 188952

A new application has been added to the list of Add-On software supplied by Boinc particpants. Under the category Web Application you'll find BoincPHP-Gui. It is very similar to Boinc Manager that comes with the core client except that this one runs in a web browser.

BoincPHP was originally written by Sebastian Masch. Sebastian is the author of BoincView. You could find BoincPHP on his BoincView web site if you lookedhard enough. He did not support it nor plan any enhancements to it, but simply offered it up as is. I tried it and it liked it. I also enhanced it somewhat and sent my enhanced version back to him. With his permission, I am now offering the enhanced version to the Boinc community and will offer new versions as I enhance and change it further.

I've supplied information on what it does, how to use it, how to install it and how to secure it in addition to the application itself. The README file explains the various displays and how to use them. You will need to install it on a web server for it to work. The web server must support PHP.

If you decide to try it, please read the SECURITY file.

An email address for feedback is supplied in the README file.

The software can be found on the Boinc Download Network at or through the AddOn page for this project at

Charlie Dennett

Jordan Wilberding
Jordan Wilberding
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New Add-On Software


I tried out the software and have run into a few problems. When I switch the IP to the proper IP of the host, it says it is successful. But on the top it says the host is offline.

And when I try to view any the stats or workload I get this at the top:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/boinc/utils.php on line 36

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/boinc/utils.php on line 39

Any ideas?

Jordan Wilberding


such things just should not be writ so please destroy this if you wish to live 'tis better in ignorance to dwell than to go screaming into the abyss worse than hell

Charles Dennett
Charles Dennett
Joined: 22 Jan 05
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> Charlie, > > I tried out

Message 10478 in response to message 10477

> Charlie,
> I tried out the software and have run into a few problems. When I switch the
> IP to the proper IP of the host, it says it is successful. But on the top it
> says the host is offline.
> And when I try to view any the stats or workload I get this at the top:
> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
> /var/www/localhost/htdocs/boinc/utils.php on line 36
> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
> /var/www/localhost/htdocs/boinc/utils.php on line 39
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Jordan Wilberding

Hmmm. Those two lines should only get hit when you view the projects page. They are in the function that prints out that page.

Send me email (addressin the README file) and tell me what version of the Boinc Core Client you are using. I forgot to mention that the software expects the CC to have its RPC set up on port 1043. Older clients used a different port and they switched to 1043 in a recent version. Don't remember what version that happened in.

Did you also try the local IP address of

Anyway, send me an email with the CC version. Also let me know what platform you are using (Windows, Linux, Mac, whatever). I'll try to investigate this weekend but the wife has me booked for a major home improvement project, so no promises!

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
Joined: 17 Jan 05
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> Send me email (addressin

Message 10479 in response to message 10478

> Send me email (addressin the README file) and tell me what version of the
> Boinc Core Client you are using. I forgot to mention that the software
> expects the CC to have its RPC set up on port 1043. Older clients used a
> different port and they switched to 1043 in a recent version. Don't remember
> what version that happened in.
> Did you also try the local IP address of
> Anyway, send me an email with the CC version. Also let me know what platform
> you are using (Windows, Linux, Mac, whatever). I'll try to investigate this
> weekend but the wife has me booked for a major home improvement project, so no
> promises!

The 4.19 and lower use the old port ... The 4.2x use the new port ... the 4.3x will be using either as the new port is sometimes inappropriately used by some software so the bind to the port fails ...

Charles Dennett
Charles Dennett
Joined: 22 Jan 05
Posts: 22
Credit: 45,273
RAC: 0

> The 4.19 and lower use the

Message 10480 in response to message 10479

> The 4.19 and lower use the old port ... The 4.2x use the new port ... the 4.3x
> will be using either as the new port is sometimes inappropriately used by some
> software so the bind to the port fails ...

Ah, thanks. We did try changing the port but that only fixed part of the problem. He upgraded from 4.19 to 4.30 and it all works fine now. I've been using 4.25 and just this morning grabbed the latest source and compiled it. It claims to be version 4.32. It seems to be working ok. So, you must use someting higher than 4.19.

I'll have to figure out how to have my software find the correct port and use it.


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