NASA's. New New Budget

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Topic 194756

US Admin releases new budget..

New Budget

I am not an Obma fan but I think it's the most sensible thing that has come out of any US Admin regarding NASA's near term future...

Now only if they can get it passed that crap congress..

Any comments

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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NASA's. New New Budget

Just the Start:-)

Final Frontier Beckons For Researchers

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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We don't need no stinking

We don't need no stinking NASA research. Just think of all those useless discoveries such as Tang and Velcrow and don't forget memory foam.

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RE: We don't need no

Message 96918 in response to message 96917

We don't need no stinking NASA research. Just think of all those useless discoveries such as Tang and Velcrow and don't forget memory foam.

I thought cowboys discovered velcrow after plants kept sticking to their clothes. At least that is what I was taught.

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RE: We don't need no

Message 96919 in response to message 96917

We don't need no stinking NASA research. Just think of all those useless discoveries such as Tang and Velcrow and don't forget memory foam.

NASA has just launched a Solar Dynamics Observer to monitor the Sun's activity and is about to launch GOES-P to observe the Earth. I don't think this is a "stinking research". Don't you ever watch a satellite weather map?

Ver Greeneyes
Ver Greeneyes
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RE: NASA has just launched

Message 96920 in response to message 96919

NASA has just launched a Solar Dynamics Observer to monitor the Sun's activity and is about to launch GOES-P to observe the Earth. I don't think this is a "stinking research". Don't you ever watch a satellite weather map?

I do believe you missed the joking tone of his post.

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RE: RE: NASA has just

Message 96921 in response to message 96920

NASA has just launched a Solar Dynamics Observer to monitor the Sun's activity and is about to launch GOES-P to observe the Earth. I don't think this is a "stinking research". Don't you ever watch a satellite weather map?

I do believe you missed the joking tone of his post.

Maybe. But many people, at least in Italy. regret the Obama plan to renounce to the "Moon, Mars and beyond" program by President Bush to concentrate instead on Earth observing missions, which, at least in my opinion, are much more important for the purpose of saving our planet.

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RE: RE: RE: NASA has

Message 96922 in response to message 96921

NASA has just launched a Solar Dynamics Observer to monitor the Sun's activity and is about to launch GOES-P to observe the Earth. I don't think this is a "stinking research". Don't you ever watch a satellite weather map?

I do believe you missed the joking tone of his post.

Maybe. But many people, at least in Italy. regret the Obama plan to renounce to the "Moon, Mars and beyond" program by President Bush to concentrate instead on Earth observing missions, which, at least in my opinion, are much more important for the purpose of saving our planet.

The Moon Mars and Beyond program is still there. It just that they canned the approach. The Constellation Program was building a 21st century launch system with 20th century technology.
I don't know what went wrong but when you are putting together systems whose development cycle is greater than a couple of years. Everything has to be flexible technology, interfaces and most importantly engineering processes. These, need to be incorporated as they evolve.
Top Down Development Approach is dead. After spending a few billion on a system's development.. Sometimes canning is the best thing to to do (Don't throw good money after bad money).. That just doing business.

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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Message 96923 in response to message 96922

NASA has just launched a Solar Dynamics Observer to monitor the Sun's activity and is about to launch GOES-P to observe the Earth. I don't think this is a "stinking research". Don't you ever watch a satellite weather map?

I do believe you missed the joking tone of his post.

Maybe. But many people, at least in Italy. regret the Obama plan to renounce to the "Moon, Mars and beyond" program by President Bush to concentrate instead on Earth observing missions, which, at least in my opinion, are much more important for the purpose of saving our planet.

The Moon Mars and Beyond program is still there. It just that they canned the approach. The Constellation Program was building a 21st century launch system with 20th century technology.
I don't know what went wrong but when you are putting together systems whose development cycle is greater than a couple of years. Everything has to be flexible technology, interfaces and most importantly engineering processes. These, need to be incorporated as they evolve.
Top Down Development Approach is dead. After spending a few billion on a system's development.. Sometimes canning is the best thing to to do (Don't throw good money after bad money).. That just doing business.

I would like to say.. All engineering is, just processes and Methodologies (Which they really don't teach in college at the undergraduate level) All the rest is really just hobbies :-)

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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Just a taste on how the US

Just a taste on how the US Admin would steer NASA.. The problem is congress with individuals with a short term political lifespan..


There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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:-) Company is First to

Company is First to return from orbit

If you love it, you have to let it go

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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