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Bruce Matkovich
Joined: 21 Feb 05
Posts: 1
Credit: 12674
RAC: 0
13 Apr 2005 21:15:56 UTC
Topic 188951
Several times now I have run the work unit and it has been uploaded, but my account shows that I have not completed the work unit. I wait several days but it never shows up. Any ideas?
> Several times now I have run the work unit and it has been uploaded, but my
> account shows that I have not completed the work unit. I wait several days
> but it never shows up. Any ideas?
I just started running Einstein and am having same problem. Have uploaded four results but have received no credit.
> I just started running Einstein and am having same problem. Have uploaded four
> results but have received no credit.
I've just had a look at your computer and its list of results. 4 Work units have been sent to you and your computer has completed the calculations, uploaded the results, and reported the results for two of those four. They are both showing with pending credit so you will get credit once the validation process has occurred. Everything looks perfectly normal.
If any of the above terms don't make sense to you, please check out the FAQ through the link on the front page of the website. Also go to your account page and "drill down" through your own results to see exactly what other computers are doing the same work units as yours and what stage they are at. This will give you an idea of when your pending credits may be validated and hence when you may expect to be finally awarded the credit. Once you have mastered this, go and explore further through the very comprehensive links posted by saenger.
> Several times now I have run the work unit and it has been uploaded, but my
> account shows that I have not completed the work unit. I wait several days
> but it never shows up. Any ideas?
Have you looked at your results using the links on your account page? I've just had a look and I can see results that were completed on 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 and 23 April that all have pending credit assigned to them. So, nothing is lost, everything is normal. By "...my account shows..." I presume you mean that your total credit shows a value that hasn't increased each time new results have been uploaded and reported? All you have to do is be patient and wait for the pending credits to be validated. The front page FAQ link has information explaining the validation process. Please go and resd it carefully.
Missing Results
Hello Bruce,
The UL is a two step operation.
Look here @Pauls ;)
Grüße vom Sänger
> Several times now I have
> Several times now I have run the work unit and it has been uploaded, but my
> account shows that I have not completed the work unit. I wait several days
> but it never shows up. Any ideas?
I just started running Einstein and am having same problem. Have uploaded four results but have received no credit.
The (very good) manual for
The (very good) manual for Boinc is the BOINC Powered Projects Documentation by Paul D. Buck and the FAQ therein.
For information regarding Credits look here!
Grüße vom Sänger
> I just started running
> I just started running Einstein and am having same problem. Have uploaded four
> results but have received no credit.
I've just had a look at your computer and its list of results. 4 Work units have been sent to you and your computer has completed the calculations, uploaded the results, and reported the results for two of those four. They are both showing with pending credit so you will get credit once the validation process has occurred. Everything looks perfectly normal.
If any of the above terms don't make sense to you, please check out the FAQ through the link on the front page of the website. Also go to your account page and "drill down" through your own results to see exactly what other computers are doing the same work units as yours and what stage they are at. This will give you an idea of when your pending credits may be validated and hence when you may expect to be finally awarded the credit. Once you have mastered this, go and explore further through the very comprehensive links posted by saenger.
> Several times now I have
> Several times now I have run the work unit and it has been uploaded, but my
> account shows that I have not completed the work unit. I wait several days
> but it never shows up. Any ideas?
Have you looked at your results using the links on your account page? I've just had a look and I can see results that were completed on 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 and 23 April that all have pending credit assigned to them. So, nothing is lost, everything is normal. By "...my account shows..." I presume you mean that your total credit shows a value that hasn't increased each time new results have been uploaded and reported? All you have to do is be patient and wait for the pending credits to be validated. The front page FAQ link has information explaining the validation process. Please go and resd it carefully.