Lost Work Unit in computer crash

Robert Laughlin
Robert Laughlin
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Topic 190217

I had a computer crash and lost the Boinc folder. I have lost this unit. It still appears in my list of "curent WU's".

Reloaded WinXP and boinc v5.2.8 and now processing new units. Sorry for loss, still determining cause of crash, but it appears another projects beta file was somehow involved (that project was not reattached).

Robert Laughlin

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Lost Work Unit in computer crash


I had a computer crash and lost the Boinc folder. I have lost this unit. It still appears in my list of "curent WU's".

Reloaded WinXP and boinc v5.2.8 and now processing new units. Sorry for loss, still determining cause of crash, but it appears another projects beta file was somehow involved (that project was not reattached).

Robert Laughlin


Do not worry for another minute about losing a WU. It probably won't be re-assigned until the deadline is missed, bacause the server has no way of knowing about the loss. If the 3rd cruncher on that WU returns a valid result, the quorum will be completed, credit granted to the others, and the server may decide not to reassign, but close the result, anyway. It will remain in the results column on your account page for probably 2 weeks, maybe more if it is re-sent after missing deadline.

There's nothing that you can do about it, so just go ahead and crunch the next one in line. Thank you for your contribution to the project.



"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Robert, There is actually


There is actually something you can do to retrieve that lost result, although as Michael suggests, you really don't need to worry too much. If you would like to retrieve it you can do the following:-

If you go to your account page and view your computers you will see that you now have two. You have a new CPUID and also the old pre-crash one is still visible. Click on the old one and down the bottom of the page that comes up you will see the "merge" option. If you click that you will merge your old CPUID into your new one and once that is completed, your previous credit and outstanding results will be transferred to your new CPUID. You will probably have to "Update" the project from your BOINC Manager to make this happen quickly although it will happen automatically when the next client/server communication takes place.

Be sure to look at and follow carefully all instructions given to you during the merge process. Let us know how you get on.


Robert Laughlin
Robert Laughlin
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Thankyou Michael and Gary for

Thankyou Michael and Gary for your replies. Tried merging computers as described with the following results:

25/11/2005 10:29:49 AM|Einstein@Home|Reason: Requested by user
25/11/2005 10:29:49 AM|Einstein@Home|Note: not requesting new work or reporting results
25/11/2005 10:29:54 AM|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi succeeded
25/11/2005 10:29:54 AM|Einstein@Home|Message from server: Resent lost result w1_1319.5__1319.6_0.1_T06_S4hC_2 
25/11/2005 10:29:56 AM|Einstein@Home|Started download of Config_H_S4hC
25/11/2005 10:29:56 AM|Einstein@Home|Started download of w1_1319.5
25/11/2005 10:29:58 AM|Einstein@Home|Finished download of Config_H_S4hC
25/11/2005 10:32:32 AM|Einstein@Home|Finished download of w1_1319.5

Now only 1 computer ID showing with lost WU resent to it.

Robert Laughlin

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: 25/11/2005 10:29:54

Message 19854 in response to message 19853


25/11/2005 10:29:54 AM|Einstein@Home|Message from server: Resent lost result w1_1319.5__1319.6_0.1_T06_S4hC_2

Well, stone the crows ... There's one from beyond the black stump for ya ... :).


Robert Laughlin
Robert Laughlin
Joined: 15 Aug 05
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RE: RE: 25/11/2005

Message 19855 in response to message 19854


25/11/2005 10:29:54 AM|Einstein@Home|Message from server: Resent lost result w1_1319.5__1319.6_0.1_T06_S4hC_2

Well, stone the crows ... There's one from beyond the black stump for ya ... :).

True, happily cruched now. Computer behaving well now, without suspect beta project being attached.

Robert Laughlin

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