Loading "Discoveries" pages lead to IP block

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Topic 231804

It appears that trying to load the list of discoveries results in so many requests that the IP is blocked/banned for multiple days.

I was reading the forums, changed some settings in my account, all no problem. Then I wanted to look at the list of discoveries, navigated to Science --> Discoveries --> Arecibo Binary Pulsar Search. When trying to navigate somewhere else, the connection was refused (NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in FIrefox Developer Tools --> Network).

I think I confirmed it by trying to load the Arecibo Binary Pulsar Search discoveries page in Tor Browser, and again the IP appeared to be blocked.


1. Can a project admin please unblock my IP? Otherwise my PCs will run out of work soon. It's the public IP of this PC here: https://einsteinathome.org/host/13069855/1

2. The rate limiting/IP blocking setting needs to be adapted for the discoveries pages, otherwise people will get their IPs banned without any malicious intent.


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Hi Vorik, I don't know if

Hi Vorik,

I don't know if you are aware, or not, but the Arecibo was destroyed several years ago.

That said, maybe they've taken the IP address offline and that's why you all of a sudden got the connection was refused (NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in FIrefox Developer Tools --> Network).

Just try exiting BOINC, wait a minute for the servers to see that you are 'offline' and then relaunch BOINC.  It should come back.  I might suggest not trying to access the Arecibo site again.  Einstein does have 2 of the 3 Arecibo 'projects' available to crunch; BRP4 & BRP4A which are both CPU projects.


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Sorry George, Both

Sorry George,

Both projects also use GPU.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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So apparently Keith Myers

So apparently Keith Myers also got bit by this bug. I'll forward this to the admins



Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Yep, I'm blocked  too  now.

Yep, I'm blocked  too  now. It was  accessing the last link, the  one  for  the Fermi  database  that killed my  IP  address.

I have not been  successful in getting a new  IP address  from my ISP.

Using a cell phone now  to get to project.

This is  really  messed  up. Need admin  help ASAP.


Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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Thanks for the heads-up guys

Thanks for the heads-up guys and sorry for the false positives.

First of all: all bans only last 24 hours, so the symptoms will cure themselves rather quickly. But yes, the cause needs fixing we'll have a look at our ruleset to avoid this issue.

Ideally we wouldn't need any such methods at all, but that's unfortunately not the world we live in.

Stay tuned...

Einstein@Home Project

Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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We relaxed our ruleset and

We relaxed our ruleset and this shouldn't happen anymore.

Vorik, Keith: your IPs are allowed again

Sorry for the inconvenience but we're forced to always walk a very fine line here: we have to block as many malicious requests as possible to maximize our site's stability, security and performance, while blocking only so many that legitimate requests aren't affected.


Einstein@Home Project

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Thanks for the assist in

Thanks for the assist in unblocking me, Oliver. I can access the project again and report my work.


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