Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Topic 198190

Well it looks like I have something to do while the wife is over there shopping (and she never reads threads here)

All week.

(they should do this all the same day)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

The LSST is the kind of project that William & Caroline Herschel would love. Sit there, night after night, and see what happens. A massive and intricate survey. Interesting that some of the funding is via SLAC from the DOE.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: The LSST is the kind of


The LSST is the kind of project that William & Caroline Herschel would love. Sit there, night after night, and see what happens. A massive and intricate survey. Interesting that some of the funding is via SLAC from the DOE.

Cheers, Mike.

If only he would have named his planet after his wife instead of that name it got stuck with

I worked for the DOE back in the 80's for a couple years and then moved on to bigger and better things.

I decided not to go to that conference because they split it up into 1 hour long talk and discussion over several days and I didn't want to make the drive there and back home that was just as long.

Now if this was about the eLISA I might have done that.

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