Now that I have credits can finally post, I wanted to try it out. I'm obviously a new user, and everything seems to be working great.
I would just like to say that I've been building LEGOs since I was a kid and am a huge fan. I hope that my participation in this project will help design the coolest new LEGO designs yet. I must say it is brilliant for the LEGO company to use all this free computing power to help design their future products and save all that money. I think we all should get a free LEGO kit when the next design comes out since we're helping design it.
Again, it's awesome to be amongst so many LEGO enthusiasts!!
Warning: I'm not a scientist nor a mathematician (but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night)
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Just got my first credits
Welcome Kaman.
RE: Again, it's awesome to
Hi Kaman, welcome to the project!
I'm sure we're all pleased that you think LEGO is cool so we'll be ecstatic when you discover the new LIGO, LOGO and LUGO developments as well :-).
After LAGO turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, it was sure good to see how much better LEGO was. However, all the geek wannabes have now moved on so you should up your sights a little as well :-).
Of course, now that you've made the plunge, you can't really claim the wannabe tag unless you get a bit of a farm going. Just one host simply doesn't cut it for a geek wannabe any more :-).
Congratulations on your first
Congratulations on your first credits...I hope they are the first of many.