is it safe to turn off MS Security Essential real time protection when NOT on IE?

merle van osdol
merle van osdol
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Topic 197820

If I leave real time protection off when working with boinc but turn it on when I go to the internet explorer, is it safe? The reason being I may be able to reduce my error rate with Einstein.


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Ivailo Bonev
Ivailo Bonev
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is it safe to turn off MS Security Essential real time protectio

I can't see any connection btw MS Security Essentials and Einstein errors. Only when your AV uses too much CPU or memory for realtime scans. You can add an exception in AV to exclude any files or directories from scans, if your AV detect false virus.

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Merle, Turning off your AV


Turning off your AV would be your choice and your choice alone, I doubt you will find anybody here willing to tell you doing so is 'safe', I also doubt that MSE is causing your problems, having used it on many of my machines without issue.

Overclocking (including using some factory OC'd cards at their advertised speeds) followed by heat are more likely the primary culprits for your woes.
Drivers, and not just GPU drivers also play their part.

Secondary considerations are related to how you use your PC's, are they crunchers only? or do you use them for other taxing 'stuff' as well, video encoding or running databases? for example.

Finding the correct balance is going to involve some experimenting and there is always the chance that you have to face the fact that some part of your hardware is goosed, then realise you are out of warranty :-)!

Start with lowering GPU clocks, more specifically, GPU memory clock and take it from there...


edited for spolling!

merle van osdol
merle van osdol
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RE: Merle, Turning off



Turning off your AV would be your choice and your choice alone, I doubt you will find anybody here willing to tell you doing so is 'safe', I also doubt that MSE is causing your problems, having used it on many of my machines without issue.

Overclocking (including using some factory OC'd cards at their advertised speeds) followed by heat are more likely the primary culprits for your woes.
Drivers, and not just GPU drivers also play their part.

Secondary considerations are related to how you use your PC's, are they crunchers only? or do you use them for other taxing 'stuff' as well, video encoding or running databases? for example.

Finding the correct balance is going to involve some experimenting and there is always the chance that you have to face the fact that some part of your hardware is goosed, then realise you are out of warranty :-)!

Start with lowering GPU clocks, more specifically, GPU memory clock and take it from there...


edited for spolling!

Thanks Gavin,
I took your message to heart and contacted the vendor. They are sending out a replacement for the 280x. Hopefully that finally answers the question. I think the card was defective because I had a problem with it over at Seti also. According to HWinfo64 the voltages didn't look right either compared to the 270x. I checked this after I read your message. I missed my warranty by 1 day but the vendor took it back for a replacement anyway. Thanks again. Merle


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RE: RE: Merle, Turning



Turning off your AV would be your choice and your choice alone, I doubt you will find anybody here willing to tell you doing so is 'safe', I also doubt that MSE is causing your problems, having used it on many of my machines without issue.

Overclocking (including using some factory OC'd cards at their advertised speeds) followed by heat are more likely the primary culprits for your woes.
Drivers, and not just GPU drivers also play their part.

Secondary considerations are related to how you use your PC's, are they crunchers only? or do you use them for other taxing 'stuff' as well, video encoding or running databases? for example.

Finding the correct balance is going to involve some experimenting and there is always the chance that you have to face the fact that some part of your hardware is goosed, then realise you are out of warranty :-)!

Start with lowering GPU clocks, more specifically, GPU memory clock and take it from there...


edited for spolling!

Thanks Gavin,
I took your message to heart and contacted the vendor. They are sending out a replacement for the 280x. Hopefully that finally answers the question. I think the card was defective because I had a problem with it over at Seti also. According to HWinfo64 the voltages didn't look right either compared to the 270x. I checked this after I read your message. I missed my warranty by 1 day but the vendor took it back for a replacement anyway. Thanks again. Merle

Also if you still think your antivirus is giving Boinc problems, just exclude Boinc and it's folders in the a/v settings. Any real virus WILL try to infect the rest of your system and then get stopped, while any false positive detections in Boinc will be ignored. That way you can leave your a/v on full time, protecting your pc when you the things you do.

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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RE: According to HWinfo64

According to HWinfo64 the voltages didn't look right either compared to the 270x.

Could you elaborate?


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Hallo Merle MS Security

Hallo Merle

MS Security Essential dürfte da weniger Dein Problem sein. Läuft hier auch mit 50 % cpu Last bei 0 Errors (Perseus).
Je 2 Wus --> Ati 5750, 7750 und 7770.

Invalide Results:
Entweder die Grafikkarten sind zu schnell getaktet, überlastet oder werden dauernd unterbrochen, sodaß die Wus auch noch getauscht werden. Da können dann schon falsche Results entstehen. Der "High priority mode" ist da nicht unbedingt hilfreich !!
Das kann auch für andere Projekte gelten. Da muß nicht unbedingt die Hardware defekt sein.
Im Boincmanager bitte einstellen: Lasse Anwendung im Speicher, wenn sie pausiert. Nutze höchstens 0 % des Swapspeichers.

Bei wiederholten "Validate Errors" sollte der Lantreiber auch mal überprüft werden. Meist gibt es ein Update.

Der Status "Completed, validation inconclusive" bedeutet nur, daß Dein Wingman ein abweichendes Ergebnis hat oder einen "Validate Error" verursacht hat. Die Wu wird erneut verschickt, um das Result zu bestätigen.

Vielleicht solltest Du noch mal mit 2 Wus/Gpu starten. Wenn das fehlerfrei läuft, dann erst erhöhen.

Gruß Pollux

merle van osdol
merle van osdol
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I have done a switch. I

I have done a switch. I exchanged the offending video card which was a r9 280x dual-x for a better r9 280x triple-x. This means 3 fans instead of two fans and runs cooler. The new card is due here today. So let me see what I have.

I perhaps mislead you. My German is fundamental. Could you bitte übersetzen. Danke.
PS. Es sieht als ob wir uns dützen können. :-)


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merle van osdol
merle van osdol
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I have perhaps 36 hours

I have perhaps 36 hours running time with the new card. No invalids and no inconclusives either so it looks like I got lucky and it only cost me $10.79 to upgrade. DO NOT BUY the dual-x. Make sure you get the triple-x for boinc work. The dual-x is probably good enough for gaming though.


What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.

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