I NEED the URL to attach the PROJECT

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Topic 188516

My initial sign up and attachment of the Einstein@Home Project was successful -- HOWEVER, After Re-Starting my PC (Win XP) the Project was missing from my BIONIC manger; My Attemt to Re-Attach the project again always fails It just wouldn't take the URL i got for the PROJECT to run,

I NEED that DAMN URL to attach the project,

If some one has a VALID URL please post here so i can start the Einstein@Home project

Joined: 28 Feb 05
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I NEED the URL to attach the PROJECT

an reinstall didn´t help?

The only url that E@h requestet is at my pc : http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi

Sorry for my broken englisch.

John McLeod VII
John McLeod VII
Joined: 10 Nov 04
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Use the URL that came in your

Use the URL that came in your email.

I believe that it should be http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu

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