I need a patient listener

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Topic 195436

I have an idea about gravity. This has been with me since around June. I am neither scientist or student. I do think a lot. I watch many T.V. shows because I love this stuff. The problem is this. To me it is a great idea. I have not been able to prove to myself this is not a possible state of gravity. I have not heard anyone discuss this possibility. The worst part for me is i can see it in my minds eye as it works on and in everything. Is there someone, or, a collection of someones that will let me try to explain this then ask me questions? I see it. I wish i could prove it. Or, someone satisfy me that this is not possible with some real science understanding. If i am on to something then it belongs to everyone. If i am not right then it needs to be put to sleep so i can get some. :)

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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I need a patient listener

Ok give us your theory David.

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Hi Again. I did send an

Hi Again. I did send an answer to you in a message. I don't know if i did the reply correctly. If you have not received anything then that is because i did not do it right.

After watching again the program Hawking Paradox i believe it is called I realized Stephen Hawking was right in his first theory. I can address that and suggest why Physics is right and why Stephen Hawking is right. The information is not lost except in appearance because another universe was never considered. In a black hole there is an apparent loss of information. That is because all things are disassembled and reduced to their original components. These components are of an anti-matter universe. It is my belief Gravity is the prime building block of all mass. Gravity is at the heart (within the string - it determines the purpose and identity of each individual string by number of gravity particles) of all strings should it be M Theory is found to be correct. Even if it is not then that will not affect Gravity as the true ultra small building block of all mass. When Gravity is processed within the black hole and removed out of the time (-) mass universe it returns to a state of anti-matter from whence it came. It is not lost. It is only reduced to its original composition and is at rest. To be at rest the temperature needs to be 0 degrees Kelvin. Both the black hole at its singularity and absolute zero are the 2 great recycling plants within the time (-) mass universe. The temperature at the point of the singularity is the same as absolute zero. That is because all mass, matter has been reduced to its components of gravity while the other components of mass/matter has been stripped off producing heat. Heat is a property of mass/matter.

"The Greater Universe". This universe is an anti-matter universe. "The Greater Universe" is the rule and a time (-) mass universe, or, linear time universe is the exception. The time (-) mass universe is created and exists within "The Greater Universe". I realize all my idea's will be highly controversial if they are even considered in the next 100 years should mankind survive.

Also, Quantum Mechanics is truly a study of "The Greater Universe". There is where Multiple Realities exist. The Greater Universe is where the planning, design and implementation of multiple universes goes full circle. Time within the greater universe is static in that it does not flow. Hence, one day is as a 1000 and a 1000 is as one day is more true than figurative in this statement. Yes it is time without beginning or end. UN-fortunately this has always been associated with religion. Well forget religion.

Yes, there is life in The Greater Universe. Life exists without structure. Life is pure conscious without a body. There is energy supporting life in the Greater Universe. We are in number there greater than all the stars within every galaxy through out our entire spread out expanding home universe as it applies to us in this state of being on planet earth. We are simply on the Planet Earth Planning Board and there are sub-boards. Then we should understand also there are solar system board, perhaps quadrant boards, universe boards. :)

I want to say also there are "truths" in most every written document. Even works of science fiction contain some truths. So, don't be afraid of truths. Use them and learn from them. Find them. You will know when you hear one. You will feel it. Trust yourself.

There are more similar and different universes existing within The Greater Universe. If you look at the sky then it is a good representation of The Greater Universe. Each little point of light is a complete universe within The Greater Universe. Therefore, seeing the stars is as if you were viewing The Greater Universe from a vantage point within that Greater Universe. That puts you there. Now... See it. See The Greater Universe. You will see what i see. Only one of the points of light is Our Universe. Quantum Mechanics is right.

In our time (-) mass universe time is advanced one string at a time. I believe i first heard this in the program i saw pertaining to either the development of string theory, or, M-Theory. I have seen several programs on this. I do agree with this concept if it was stated or indirectly inferred i don't remember. When a string is applied within the universe then linear time advances forward. That string is applied to the time line and is cemented on it never to be removed again. Travel back in time within the universe is not possible. Time Travel is not possible from within a time (-)mass universe.

We continually stand in the door jam of time. We see behind us all that has been before. We can not change that. We can not move from the door jam of time. We can see into many possible futures as well as being able to see other choices we have made and the ones we could have made. The only thing we can do and this is dependent on us and others as well as circumstances is to attempt to make choices toward our future. We stand immobile at the entry point of the future but can not advance beyond right now. we live continually in the present while all other things are either in our past or future. There is no moving out of this door jam of time. Sorry. In a time (-) mass universe that is the way it will always be. Time can only be altered, or, changed from outside this universe of time (-) mass. Could this happen? Yes, we are on the committee and should it be necessary to step back into time and undo a string and replace it then all other things will continue from that point without us in this universe of time (-) mass having any memory of what was because those strings are no longer with us. They have been changed. So for instance.. Did the Nazi's win WW II? Maybe it did play out to see what the outcome was and that was rejected by the committee and the new reality, or, current understanding and reality now exists. And yes, i feel the hesitation to accept this. But, the Greater Universe is also a new concept i believe. But, again... Quantum Mechanics truly is the study of The Greater Universe. Particle Physics is the study of the time (-) mass universe. It all fits. It all works together.

Further, Science is scared to it's very core of opening a door to more religious dogma. I agree. However, Understand this is not to propagate religion, but, rather increasing understanding for the betterment of all people and science. I can not support any concept that will destroy the life of another in the name of some god. And they do lie. When they make me feel guilty.. then i have been attacked in my spirit as they try to force me to think like them. The dark ages lives. The crusades continue. Resist it. Get above it. Be not enslaved to dogma of the unlearned and short sighted religious theory. Encourage them to get some science. Encourage them to learn and understand. Resist fables.

I have more on the big bang, dark matter - dark energy, but, will continue later.

david croquart sr.

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you say life exists in this

you say life exists in this greater universe, in the form of consciousness, or energy, basically.
The first question you are going to be asked is, what proof do you have? Have you sensed or detected this life in any tangible way?

You claim religions are full of lies because they want you to just blindly push the I believe button, but aren't you kind of doing the same thing here with this theory? What makes your assertations any different than any religion really if you do not have solid substantiated, scientific proof? you can't prove it, but you just 'know it' and want us to see your visions as well. If it quacks like a duck......

I would like to know how, and more specifically why, your beliefs are more credible than any other views of our world out there?

Yes everyone believed the world to be flat until Columbus waved the BS flag on it and proved otherwise, but he went in with theories and not just blind.

Not trying to malign you but just trying to start a conversation.


If god meant for us not to BOINC he'd have made our #$%^%^ shorter!!

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Please read my introductory

Please read my introductory post Aaron. These words are neither theory or attempts to prove anything. this is nothing but the thoughts of interested bystander. it is all way out there. if there is anything good in this then it is for every one. if not.. then sorry i wasted your time.

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Im not saying you wasted my

Im not saying you wasted my time,but part of any scientific process is to be able to stand up to scrutiny. you say if there is something there then it's for all to share. Part of the task of figuring out if something is there is to examine and ask why.

You say these are just thoughts. Ok, what caused you to follow this thought pattern. I understand it might just be a hunch, but what is your driving force for this contemplation? You are not just coming up with something totally inane like saying a grape is really a watermelon or the color orange is really purple, you have what you believe is a logical assumption. What foundation of your knowledge and understanding do you believe makes this a possibility?

What are you basing this 'belief' on? You said you wish to present your idea, and then have folks ask you questions.

I am merely starting the process of asking the questions. You on some level believe your statement is possible, I am asking why *you* think it is possible. You are not just saying, well; there's got to be something else there, you are providing us with what you believe that 'something' is? Im trying to figure out your thought pattern that brought you to this point, were you just totally stoned and it sounded good when you typed it in, did it come to you in a dream, did you have an epiphany while reading a book or watching a show? how did it present itself to you?

You presentation, to me at least, seems a bit too organized and flowing in a direction to be just random thoughts of someone who knows almost nothing of the subject.


If god meant for us not to BOINC he'd have made our #$%^%^ shorter!!

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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David I received the email

David I received the email from you about this a couple days ago and went over it quickly and planned on going through your entire discussion when I got some time so I was just about to do that but figured I should check back here just in case so I guess you decided to discuss his here.

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I do appolgise to you fer not

I do appolgise to you fer not writing more disorganized with miss spellings. i made a mistake writing in a clear and consise maner for thee benefit of otehres. you have sucessfuly opened comunications link. i hope one day i can meet with more approval on the ratings chart. though it is true i do occasionally have an out of body experience as yousurmise this time i wasn't to my recolection. should i use such outside influences in the future i will make a note of such intervention less there be questions arising. i feel now to post a warning for others that they won't be deceived by me in my subtlety.

WARNING: I have conjectured the existence of an otherwise unknown variable that i speculated to exist in a presumed universe and hypothetical in nature, cause and effect. But, that is what i believe and that alone has never stopped me before. This remains my believe and best guess.

Arron, i wish to leave this on a much lighter side. I have a favorite Texas Aggie joke i wish to share with you at this time... How do you keep an Aggie in suspense? :D


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Did you ever think of

Did you ever think of starting a new religion? Might be something there for you.


If god meant for us not to BOINC he'd have made our #$%^%^ shorter!!

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RE: I do appolgise to you


I do appolgise to you fer not writing more disorganized with miss spellings. i made a mistake writing in a clear and consise maner for thee benefit of otehres. you have sucessfuly opened comunications link. i hope one day i can meet with more approval on the ratings chart. though it is true i do occasionally have an out of body experience as yousurmise this time i wasn't to my recolection. should i use such outside influences in the future i will make a note of such intervention less there be questions arising. i feel now to post a warning for others that they won't be deceived by me in my subtlety.

WARNING: I have conjectured the existence of an otherwise unknown variable that i speculated to exist in a presumed universe and hypothetical in nature, cause and effect. But, that is what i believe and that alone has never stopped me before. This remains my believe and best guess.

Arron, i wish to leave this on a much lighter side. I have a favorite Texas Aggie joke i wish to share with you at this time... How do you keep an Aggie in suspense? :D


I don't know, how?

David I think your problem is that you are posting to a Scientific Community a theory that is not based on Science, it just sorta kinda is about Science. I just think you have the wrong audience for your 'patient listeners'. You have lots of conjecture and presumptions and beliefs but no Scientific facts yet and you are talking to a group of people that are very Science and fact based. It would be like someone going to Church and talking about being an Agnostic, not the right audience. Or going to a military recruiting station and talking to them about being a conscientious objector, not the right audience.

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Very well then Mike. See to

Very well then Mike. See to it the absurd comments i have written are removed from this board. I will not re-enter another idea. Thank you for the input. Thank you for showing respect with good solid clarity of purpose and reason. I respect that and will comply.


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