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Topic 231752

Question for all you guys and gals who are running a lot of computers.

What kind of case setup do you typically use. Regular like mid-tower cases? Or have you opted for a rack mount setup?

I know with a rack mount system you can fit more computers in a smaller space. Just wondering what some of you have chosen to do since I have just restarted my Einstein@Home journey.

I will be asking many questions on here since it has been several years since I left. Hardware has changed a lot.




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Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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I use only full tower or cube

I use only full tower or cube cases since only those have the room to install water cooling for both cpu and gpus.


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Phil wrote: Question for all

Phil wrote:

Question for all you guys and gals who are running a lot of computers.

What kind of case setup do you typically use. Regular like mid-tower cases? Or have you opted for a rack mount setup?

I was using mid-sized tower cases before, but I've switched up to full-tower cases, Fractal Design Meshify 2XL for all three of my computers.  They have plenty of room in them and plenty of room for water cooling too.  Plus they have full sized filters at three locations, top/bottom/front.



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Phil wrote: Question for all

Phil wrote:

Question for all you guys and gals who are running a lot of computers.

What kind of case setup do you typically use. Regular like mid-tower cases? Or have you opted for a rack mount setup?

I know with a rack mount system you can fit more computers in a smaller space. Just wondering what some of you have chosen to do since I have just restarted my Einstein@Home journey.

I will be asking many questions on here since it has been several years since I left. Hardware has changed a lot.


I too use full size cases unless I get a mid sized one VERY cheaply, full size gives my fat old fingers room to fit things together, or take them apart to upgrade, while the smaller cases makes things alot harder.

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mikey wrote: Phil

mikey wrote:

Phil wrote:

Question for all you guys and gals who are running a lot of computers.

What kind of case setup do you typically use. Regular like mid-tower cases? Or have you opted for a rack mount setup?

I know with a rack mount system you can fit more computers in a smaller space. Just wondering what some of you have chosen to do since I have just restarted my Einstein@Home journey.

I will be asking many questions on here since it has been several years since I left. Hardware has changed a lot.


I too use full size cases unless I get a mid sized one VERY cheaply, full size gives my fat old fingers room to fit things together, or take them apart to upgrade, while the smaller cases makes things alot harder.

I feel your pain with old fingers.

I will probably use a full size for my next build. I plan on using a m/b that I can use multiple GPUs on. I might even get crazy and buy a GPU rack and get a M/B with 6 or 8 slots. Would have to see if the drop in PCI speeds using such a setup would affect crunching speed. I suspect communication speed would not be that critical. Of course then you get into multiple power supplies and such. Would be fun though to see how far I could push it.

Lots more research before I jump down that particular rabbit hole.




I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Most BOINC gpu app projects

Most BOINC gpu app projects need at minimum X4 PCIE bus width. And a fast cpu clock to match.

On Einstein O3AS work units, the crunch times really get hammered by slow cpu clock speeds since the task spends quite a bit of time computing the toplists at two points in the task.

Difference of 5X-10X crunch time increase for server cpu speeds compared to desktop cpu clock speeds.


Tom M
Tom M
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Phil wrote: What kind of

Phil wrote:

What kind of case setup do you typically use. Regular like mid-tower cases? Or have you opted for a rack mount setup?

I am using a mining rack at the moment.  I successfully setup a 7 GPU system (AsRock Epycd8) with it. 

Using a large Tower (used) from Cyber Power was able to fit 4 Titan V's into a Tower case on that same MB.

Most of the time with any Tower case I can't install a GPU on the "last" slot.  Except the CyberPower case.

In general, bigger is better for what we do here.



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Tom M wrote: Phil

Tom M wrote:

Phil wrote:

What kind of case setup do you typically use. Regular like mid-tower cases? Or have you opted for a rack mount setup?

I am using a mining rack at the moment.  I successfully setup a 7 GPU system (AsRock Epycd8) with it. 

Using a large Tower (used) from Cyber Power was able to fit 4 Titan V's into a Tower case on that same MB.

Most of the time with any Tower case I can't install a GPU on the "last" slot.  Except the CyberPower case.

In general, bigger is better for what we do here.


I am seriously considering a mining rack at some point. If you want to get nutty about crunching, it just makes sense. At least to me it does. Why buy half a dozen cases, m/b, and so on.

At least I'm having fun!




I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Tom M
Tom M
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Phil wrote: I am seriously

Phil wrote:

I am seriously considering a mining rack at some point. If you want to get nutty about crunching, it just makes sense. At least to me it does. Why buy half a dozen cases, m/b, and so on.

At least I'm having fun!


If you are not having fun doing this, it starts coming close to being a JOB!


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Tom M wrote: Phil wrote: I

Tom M wrote:

Phil wrote:

I am seriously considering a mining rack at some point. If you want to get nutty about crunching, it just makes sense. At least to me it does. Why buy half a dozen cases, m/b, and so on.

At least I'm having fun!


If you are not having fun doing this, it starts coming close to being a JOB!





I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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Here's a question about

Here's a question about multiple GPUs.

Let's say you are running 8 gpus. I've been told that E@H needs x4 on the pcie bus. A quick look around tells me that motherboards capable of running that many gpus are populated with x1 slots.

Is that OK, or is it even an issue? Is it going to affect crunch times?

I'm just trying to see the bigger picture. I don't want to buy some very expensive parts and have them bogged down by bottlenecks.

My goal is to buy one m/b, one cpu, etc., and then just add gpus as funds become available. Is this reasonable or am I out in left field here? I am aware of how all the hardware goes together, that's easy. Just not sure about how it would all work together.




I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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