getting 100's of files deleted on all systems

Joseph Stateson
Joseph Stateson
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Topic 220220

On all my systems, especially Linux ones, I see 100's of files being deleted. 

I see only a few old error'e tasks so it cant be much of a problem except the event queue is so full it is hard to find other stuff.

171 Einstein@Home 12/17/2019 12:03:33 PM BOINC will delete file h1_0881.95_O2C02Cl2In0.g_LJ (no longer needed)

172 Einstein@Home 12/17/2019 12:03:33 PM BOINC will delete file l1_0881.95_O2C02Cl2In0.g_LJ (no longer needed)

173 Einstein@Home 12/17/2019 12:03:33 PM BOINC will delete file h1_0882.00_O2C02Cl2In0.r9Fu (no longer needed)

174 Einstein@Home 12/17/2019 12:03:33 PM BOINC will delete file l1_0882.00_O2C02Cl2In0.r9Fu (no longer needed)

 cannot seem to get the format correct.  problem shows up in edge and chome


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This would be considered as

This would be considered as normal operations due to the locality scheduler used on this project.
A few data files can support a lot of workunits/tasks and when they are all done the data files will be removed.
Or put in other words, you download a bunch of data files and Einstein then sends task that analyze them in different ways, there could be a lot of tasks for only a few data files, and when all that can be done with the data files are, then they're remove/deleted.

Joseph Stateson
Joseph Stateson
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Yea, discovered the

Yea, discovered the "locality" program.  With a mining system I frequently see 2000+ of those messages which obscure the event log.  GPUgrid is also a big offender remining me ever few minutes that there is no project work to download.  It would not be so bad if it was just one message but the project reports on all work which comes to about 6 messages every few minutes.  As I got a bunch of systems and use Boinctasks to see what is going on, I had to put a stop to that with a "mod" of boinc.

The following addition to cc_config stops all messages that have the phrase "No work"

<msg_content>No work</msg_content>







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