Error Report - FYI - Access Denied for all BRP4G-opencl-ati tasks

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Topic 197739

I've been running Einstein@Hm for several yrs, inc CPU and GPU projects. In the last month or so I've noticed that all of the Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU) v1.39 (BRP4G-opencl-ati) projects have failed to initialize due to an "access denied" error (a typical one is shown below); but I wasn't very concerned because almost all of these errors used up 0.00 CPU time. I've configured the firewall (Private Firewall 7) to give BOINC and Einstein@Hm all the permissions I can but this hasn't helped. Oddly enuff I've had no problems with any other Einstein projects, although coincidentally(?) none of the other tasks utilize a GPU. BTW I'm also running Rosetta@Hm projects without any problems lately.
Just out of idle curiosity, would running Linux reduce (or eliminate)a lot of BOINC and/or "access denied" errors? I've run Ubuntu (in Demo Mode) off of a USB flash drive recently and it appears to be user-friendly, but so far I haven't worked up the ambition to reformat an (unused) external HD (500 GB) exclusively for Linux.
Below is a typical error message & some basic info on my PC hardware & BOINC configuration, way more info is available upon request.

Task 458004757 Name p2030.20140610.G64.15-01.85.C.b6s0g0.00000_144_2
Workunit 199708478 Created 09/27/14 18:25:40 UTC Sent 09/27/14 22:24:54 UTC Received 09/28/14 6:15:57 UTC
Server state Over Outcome: Client error Client state: Compute error Exit status -185 (0xffffffffffffff47)
Computer ID 9257623 Report deadline 4 Oct 2014 22:24:54 UTC Run time 0.00 CPU time 0.00
Validate state Invalid Claimed credit 0.00 Granted credit 0.00
Application version Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU) v1.39 (BRP4G-opencl-ati)
Stderr output 7.2.42 couldn't start app: Create Process() failed - Access is denied. (0x5) ]]>

My Desktop PC was home-built (not by me!) from a "barebones" kit in May 2013
BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. version 1503, 1/16/2013 OS: W7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
CPU: AMD-FX 4300 Quad core 3.8 Ghz HD: 3 TB Toshiba DT01ACA200 ATA Device; Part # PH3200U-1I72
MB: Asus M5A97 R 2.0 PS: 650W PAGE FILE: 8 GB RAM: 8 GB
VIDEO CARD: AMD Radeon HD 6570 w/1 GB RAM (this card does not support "double precision")

ACTIVE PROJECTS Einstein@Hm & Rosetta@Hm BOINC CLIENT 7.2.42 (x64) for Windows
Computing allowed while CPU in use YES Computing allowed while GPU in use YES
Computing allowed while CPU usage is less than 0% (= no restriction) YES
Restrictions on hours or days of usage NONE
Switch between applications every 60 minutes
Use at most 100% of CPUs (4) Use at most: 75% of CPU Time
Max Download/Upload rate --- unlimited
Transfer at most 0.00 Mbs every 0 days
Min work buffer (default setting) Max additional work buffer (ditto)
Skip Image File Verification NO Confirm before connecting NO Disconnect when done NO
Network usage allowed 24/7 - no restrictions
Use at most 10 GB disk space Leave at most 90 GB disk space free
Use at most 5% of total disk space
Tasks checkpoints at most every 900 seconds
Use at most 50% of page file (4/8 GB)
Use at most 50% of memory when PC in use Use at most 75% of memory when PC is idle
Leave apps in memory while suspended YES
PS: My PC is setup to never hibernate or go into any sort of "sleep" mode (to avoid any conflicts with BOINC running whenever the PC is turned on)

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Error Report - FYI - Access Denied for all BRP4G-opencl-ati tas

Hi Roboroy,

Just as a test, try lowering your CPU setting to 50% or even lower, even zero. GPU tasks on Einstein need a CPU thread to support them.

For example, if you have a quad core CPU that is multi-threaded, you then have 8 threads available on the CPU. If you are running 2 GPU tasks at the same time, then 2 CPU threads would need to be left open to support the GPU.

I have no idea why your machine just out of the blue started throwing errors, something obviously changed. Either something in your setup (could have been a windows update), or there was a change in the BOINC apps of some sort. But running too much CPU % is a known way to get compute errors on Einstein while running GPU tasks.

I recommend setting BOINC to NOT keep tasks in memory while suspended.

I am a huge fan of Linux, and you could do much worse than Ubuntu for a first foray into the Linux world. Especially if you have a spare hard drive, swap the drive, load up linux and give it a whirl. Keep in mind getting BOINC to pick up your GPU may provide some fun, but, BUT, it's not as bad as it looks up front and there is plenty of help here in the forums. Once you've done it a couple times it's not bad, and I would still take Linux over Windows anytime.

Ubuntu is a good first choice. I personally use LinuxMint17. Other users here have used PCLinuxOS with good results. Take a tour around the forums for some ideas if you like.

Hope this helps some.


Edit: On my Linux machines I don't use AV or firewall software. My only firewall is the hardware (a second router just for my crunchers) between my farm and the internet.


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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Hi RoboRoy Google

Hi RoboRoy

Google translate:
Please test: Rosetta stop. Running the Einstein Arecibos / G now without any problems?

Either the Arecibo / G application (Update Einstein and then reset) damaged or Rosetta needs too many resources. (4 Wus Rosetta simultaneously (??) at 60 min alternating, interrupted Wus are held in memory even with only 50% / 75% memory usage). Please in Boincmanager adjust accordingly!

The Ati should also already have a free core for support.

have a nice day

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Also does anyone think a BRP5

Also does anyone think a BRP5 task using a Turks Ati GPU should take

111000 seconds per task?? even though it is sucessful??

PB0046_04881_328_1 199950861 27 Sep 2014 6:38:57 UTC 28 Sep 2014 21:12:05 UTC Completed and validated 111,651.12 3,739.92 26.59 3,333.00 Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Perseus Arm Survey) v1.39 (BRP5-opencl-ati)

for RoboRoy

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... "access denied"

... "access denied" error ...

Something is preventing BOINC from starting the BRP4G science application.

I've configured the firewall (Private Firewall 7) to give BOINC and Einstein@Hm all the permissions I can but this hasn't helped.

It's more likely to be anti-virus than firewall. Are you running any AV software?

Oddly enuff I've had no problems with any other Einstein projects, although coincidentally(?) none of the other tasks utilize a GPU.

Yes they do - BRP5 uses your GPU and is not having problems. It seems likely that your AV may have taken a dislike to just the BRP4G app. If you grab the complete error message from the stderr.txt output, eg

Create Process() failed - Access is denied. (0x5) and stick that string into google, you'll find quite a few examples of others who have seen the same message - and the common cause seems to be AV interference.

Just out of idle curiosity, would running Linux reduce (or eliminate)a lot of BOINC and/or "access denied" errors?

You don't need AV with linux so you shouldn't get this type of interference with BOINC. My experience has been that my wide range of hardware has performed more reliably under linux, but YMMV. Your biggest hurdle would be the steep learning curve for becoming comfortable with the 'linux way' of doing things. If you can get through that (an experienced linux user as a friend would be very helpful), you would positively break out in a cold sweat of fear and dread if someone commanded you to go back to Windows :-).


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... try lowering your

... try lowering your CPU setting to 50% or even lower, even zero. GPU tasks on Einstein need a CPU thread to support them.

There are two "CPU settings" - the number of CPUs to use and the proportion of time to use them for. The OP states that he is currently using 100/75 and he would probably be better off using 75/100, since there is no indication he is having any sort of a heat issue. In any case, the number of cores available to BOINC or the % of time to use them for has nothing to do with the OP's actual problem.

The other point is that you shouldn't just make the blanket statement that EAH tasks always need a free CPU thread. If you are also interested in the CPU only runs like FGRP4, you may get better overall performance by NOT leaving any free cores - particularly if the GPU is nvidia rather than AMD. What we should emphasise is the need to experiment to see what works best for the individual, their particular requirements, and the hardware mix being used. There are just too many variables to be able to correctly predict outcomes without experimentation.

For example, if you have a quad core CPU that is multi-threaded, you then have 8 threads available on the CPU. If you are running 2 GPU tasks at the same time, then 2 CPU threads would need to be left open to support the GPU.

The OP clearly stated that the CPU was an AMD FX-4300 quad core - ie no HT, so there can't be 8 threads. The best advice, given the low end GPU (HD 6570) would be to set the available cores to 75% and just run 1 task at a time on the GPU since it's quite likely that the GPU crunch time would just double (or worse) if he tried to run 2x. However, he should try the experiment if he wished to test that out.

... too much CPU % is a known way to get compute errors on Einstein while running GPU tasks.

What evidence do you have for this? Sure, trying to push low end hardware beyond its capabilities can cause tasks to give compute errors, but decent hardware, running at full load and properly cooled, can give error free operation. I have a bunch of GTX650s, some running 2x and some 3x, and with ALL CPU cores loaded with CPU tasks and I'm not seeing compute errors. If I free up a CPU core, all that happens is that I gain a very small reduction in the GPU crunch time which doesn't make up for the loss of the CPU task.

It's a bit different with AMD GPUs. I have a bunch of HD 7850s running BRP5 tasks 4x in quad core hosts. I still have my BOINC settings to use 100% of the CPUs but the default settings within the task (0.5 CPUs) causes BOINC to reserve 2 full CPU cores to support the 4 concurrent GPU tasks. My experiments show that this is pretty much optimal for my situation. If I reserve a third core there is a small reduction in GPU crunch time which doesn't make up for the loss of the CPU task. Some people may deliberately want to run GPU tasks only and that is fine for them. My personal requirements are to maximise my chances of finding either a radio pulsar or a gamma ray pulsar so leaving extra CPU cores free is not an option for me. This is another reason why everybody needs to make their own decision about how they configure things rather than just blindly following some set recipe.

I recommend setting BOINC to NOT keep tasks in memory while suspended.

Why? The OP has 8GB RAM and plenty of swap space. He is running FGRP4 tasks on CPU cores. These tasks don't checkpoint all that often and seem to have a variable but usually quite long period at the end before finally finishing. If a task happened to be suspended and NOT kept in memory, you could lose quite a bit of crunch time if it had to be restarted from the last saved checkpoint. Even if you had little physical RAM and had to reload from a disk image, it would be far preferable to do that rather than perhaps losing 10s of minutes of crunch time by reloading from a previous checkpoint.


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Also does anyone think

Also does anyone think a BRP5 task using a Turks Ati GPU should take 111000 seconds per task??

It is a HD 6570 and it is coupled to a FX-4300 so, whilst it does seem rather long, I'm not really all that surprised. I've not used this card so I have no experience to draw on.

Can you please tell us which PCIe slot the GPU is in? Is it the blue slot or the black slot?

According to Asus, the blue slot is x16 and the black slot is x4. The card really needs to be in the blue slot.


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RE: ... try lowering your

... try lowering your CPU setting to 50% or even lower, even zero. GPU tasks on Einstein need a CPU thread to support them.

In my post I clearly started with the words "Just as a test", however that part was not quoted. The intent was to encourage the OP to try different settings and find what works.

It's possible that I could have worded some things in my post differently, such as my example about 8 threads on a cpu when the OP has only 4. It was an example, not a statement about the OPs machine.

I'm not going to address every statement you made regarding my post, some of which may have merit from your own perspective. However, while I am not the most experienced cruncher here, by any means, I don't just make up stuff to respond to someone. I either learned it on my own machines, or learned it right here in these forums.

I could be wrong with some of my statements, I don't think I am, but I have an open mind about it. I also am not going to be taken to task by being partially quoted and accused of telling someone to blindly follow some recipe (your words, not mine).

I would expect better from a forum moderator. If this is how you treat other folks experiences, folks who try to help, then I want no part of it.

I'm outta here.



I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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Thanks everyone for taking

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. I am going to start going thru all the input you've provided here and will get back to everyone after I start implementing your suggestions and observe the results.

Energy and persistence conquer all things. BEN FRANKLIN

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So far I've "re-allowed" the

So far I've "re-allowed" the BRP-4 (Arecibo GPU) Tasks to run on my PC and changed the CPU usage from 4/75% to 3/100%
AND I must unfortunately apologize for posting some outdated data in my OP: My memory usage has been set at 75% (PC in use) and 85% when idle, swap file is set at 75% max usage for several months now

@GARY: The Radeon HD 6570 video card is in the blue slot - PCIEX 16_1
Previously I did check out my Avast AV settings at the same time I checked out the firewall settings. However, I'll research the error message per your suggestion and if that doesn't help I'll look thru Avast's forums too.
I've had no overheating problems with my PC since it was built for me in 05/13 and I monitor my temps frequently - after getting a personal lesson in PC overheating 2 PCs ago.
BTW last November you gave me a lot of assistance in configuring Einstein@Hm to work using 0.5 CPUs + 0.5 ATI GPUs and since then my PC has been running 5 tasks simultaneously (instead of 4 using the default settings) just fine as far as I can tell.
@Pollux_P3D: I've been running Einstein@Hm since 09/08 and Rosetta@Hm tasks since 06/12 on a 24/7 basis up until several months ago when I cut back to about 16/24, and overall have had very few persistent (ie not temporary) problems. I've never changed the BOINC (default) setting "swap tasks every 60 minutes" but I could (on a trial basis) - although I have no idea what to try instead. I'd also be willing to lower Rosetta's resource share (100) but for now I'll finish up the current tasks and stop accepting anymore (ie let Einstein run "solo" if the access denied problem hasn't been fixed by then

Energy and persistence conquer all things. BEN FRANKLIN

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Also does anyone think a BRP5

Also does anyone think a BRP5 task using a Turks Ati GPU should take 111000 seconds per task?? PHIL

It took that long (111651 seconds = 31 hrs) for the task to actually run for 3739 seconds (1 hr) of CPU time on my puny quadcore CPU with 8 GB RAM. Another PC (8605432 - with 24 CPUs, 4 Co-Processors & 64 GB RAM) worked on a 2nd task in the same workunit* and earned as many credits in 5.5 hrs as mine did in 31, so I don't feel too bad now. Actually I feel terrible now that I realize what a 98 lb weakling my PC is LOL!

PB0046_04881_328_1 199950861 27 Sep 2014 6:38:57 UTC 28 Sep 2014 21:12:05 UTC Completed and validated 111,651.12 3,739.92 26.59 3,333.00 Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Perseus Arm Survey) v1.39 (BRP5-opencl-ati)

CIAO - Auf Wiedersehen - ALOHA - Saludos - SHALOM - Sayonara - ADIEU -  明朝会ADIOS - להתראות - G'DAY!

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