electric bill

Joined: 7 Mar 18
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I have an older modest host

I have an older modest host with 4 CPU cores and 1 GPU (overclocked) that is running E@H in a guest room at home in southern Mississippi. It had been running CPU and GPU tasks which made the room a bit warm. When I shut down CPU tasks and ran only the GPU, I noticed a big drop in the room temperature and a welcome decrease in the PSU fan noise, no doubt resulting from the 11-12 C temperature decrease of each core. All that with a barely noticeable drop in my RAC for that host. I haven't tried downclocking or undervolting the CPUs, but simply not running CPU tasks might be an alternative energy saving (and RAC preserving) strategy.

I got the idea for that from something Gary Roberts said in some discussion, sometime, but put it into practice in an attempt to ward off any growling from my wife, who writes the checks to the power company. It's worked so far. Smile Let's see what happens when I bring home some more rigs. ;)

Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.


robl wrote:got a real shock 3

robl wrote:
got a real shock 3 days ago.  my electric bill jumped almost $60 over the previous month.  granted summer is here and so are the dog days of summer but I am thinking I am going to have to take a couple of my  units off line until fall/winter returns.  don't like to do that but I dont believe I have many options.  I am currently rejecting future work on two of the machines and will shut them down when their current work completes.  I may have to evaluate further as summer progresses.  The real pain is that our winters here in Florida are hovering around the upper 70 to low 80s for the last two years so we don't get much relief then either.  Stay tuned.

got my july power bill today.  Power bill came down by $64.  This was due to:  1.  taking two towers offline that were dedicated to crunching Einstein WUs, (this effectively took two space heaters offline), 2.  raising the the A/C thermostat by one degree.  Whats interesting is that during this bill's cycle the ambient outside temps had risen to the 90s+ so I would have expected lower savings then I received, i.e., less than $64.  My power companies website has a tool to calculate an end of month bill and it was spot on.  I will have to get a few more iterations in before I can determine the accuracy of this forecast tool.    

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Just curious, have you

Just curious, have you shopped around for power?  I am not sure how it is down in Florida compared to Illinois, but the power company distributes the power, but you can buy your power from other companies.  The city I live in negotiated a rate with a local company that is much better than the other offers I get as junk mail.  I am sure the cost will be still high with your rig, but any little bit helps.


Bill_73 wrote:Just curious,

Bill_73 wrote:
Just curious, have you shopped around for power?  I am not sure how it is down in Florida compared to Illinois, but the power company distributes the power, but you can buy your power from other companies.  The city I live in negotiated a rate with a local company that is much better than the other offers I get as junk mail.  I am sure the cost will be still high with your rig, but any little bit helps.

There are investor owned and non-investor owned companies serving Florida.  Mine, FPL, services my area and they are the cheapest.



I too have FPL.  Its nice to

I too have FPL.  Its nice to know they are the cheapest.  My last bill dropped $60.00.  we have been getting "down" into a few day with high 80s.  lucky us.  not cool enough to power up the big tower units though.

Joined: 31 Oct 18
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Why would you run any BOINC

Why would you run any BOINC program on several computers in the middle of summer then also spend money cooling the room down?? That makes no sense 

Look at the bigger picture ie there are plenty of other PC's running around the planet so if you are located in a hot climate shut the BOINC down until it cools a bit... stop chasing numbers 


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We are not chasing numbers

We are not chasing numbers but processing scientific data from worthwhile projects.

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Rithym wrote:Why would you

Rithym wrote:

Why would you run any BOINC program on several computers in the middle of summer then also spend money cooling the room down?? That makes no sense 

Look at the bigger picture ie there are plenty of other PC's running around the planet so if you are located in a hot climate shut the BOINC down until it cools a bit... stop chasing numbers 

You have missed the point of Boinc, to be able to do our own small part in the betterment of the World. Does it help ALOT no it does not but does it help someone someplace...YES IT DOES!! And besides why complain about someone who has the resources to do it, do you also complain when Bill Gates takes a private jet everywhere, or when some rich person orders $1,000 bottles of champagne instead of the $5 a bottle stuff? How about when someone buys an 8 core computer when they could have gotten a 4 core computer? The key is do NOT "chase numbers' beyond your means, if you can afford it go for it and crunch year round, if not then do what you have to do to keep living within your means!!

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I'm running my Einstein at my

I'm running my Einstein at my office here in San Diego.   My wife and I pay $880 a month to rent the space, why not run my CPU and Graphics card full tilt when we are not there.  Of course I'm sharing with other projects but hey why not let the Kilowatts flow.   What would be the best way to maximize power usage on a system.  I'm going to add another amd 580 card to the system.  Anything else?



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jasond1979 wrote:I'm running

jasond1979 wrote:
I'm running my Einstein at my office here in San Diego.   My wife and I pay $880 a month to rent the space, why not run my CPU and Graphics card full tilt when we are not there.  Of course I'm sharing with other projects but hey why not let the Kilowatts flow.   What would be the best way to maximize power usage on a system.  I'm going to add another amd 580 card to the system.  Anything else? Jason

How many cpu cores are in the pc? How many are you using to crunch with? Most of us keep one free for the gpu to use as they generate about 10 times the credits a cpu core can and keeping the gpu fed and happy means it's running full speed. There are settings you can use to adjust the cpu usage to less than one full one for a gpu but it's a trial and error thing to see what works best for your machine. Also along those same lines you can run multiple gpu  units at the same time too, but again that's a trial and error thing at each project you choose to crunch for and your machine and gpu.

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