Credits not updating

Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Joined: 8 Nov 04
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Topic 187179

For the past week credits have not been updating, I have returned results but no increase in total credits anyone have any ideas?

Joined: 8 Nov 04
Posts: 183
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Credits not updating

> For the past week credits have not been updating, I have returned results but
> no increase in total credits anyone have any ideas?


Pull up your computer list and take a look at your results. You can check your own results to see what is happening by going to your account, computer list, click on the host ID, select results. Scroll through the list to see returned units click on the work unit id, for units showing returned but pending and you can check to see how many times the work unit has been successfully validated. It takes two other computers (a total of three) to validate.

Host 2665 is showing a lot of client errors. you probably want to check that box. Make sure it isn't overheating. If it is overclocked, you might want to back off on it a little.

The other units that have completed recently, are still pending validation. They will show in your pending credit list and in your host result list. You wont' receive credit until they have been validated by two other computers.

Host 2668 is similar. Units that have been validated have received credits. Other pending units are waiting for validation by the third computer. Question, you have a very large number of unreturned units on both nodes. It looks as though you either had computer problems or had "detached" and then re-attached. Remember that this is closed "alpha testing". You might want to check your general preferences under account settings and shorten the time frame for "connecting" to no more then .5 days. Also, it looks like your most recent re-attachment or node creation was on the 17th, so it will take a few days before you start seeing a consistent number of validated credits.

I can sympathize because I had dettached for a few days, and since returning now have to wait for my pending credits validation to catch up to my actual production rate. Credits are validating however, just not as fast as I am working the units. ;-). Be patient and give it a few days without changes (except to fix the computer with the errors). Then the production rate and validation rate should start to even out.

Hope that helps. Don't hesitate to post any other specific problems, one of the really smart folks around here (not me) can probably answer.

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