credit around may 25-27

Joined: 26 Apr 05
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Topic 189243

Will we be getting any credit for wu sent in around the time the hardware failed. Did you lose any records? I usually get credit for wu's already.

Ken Vogt
Ken Vogt
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credit around may 25-27


All of my results that would have been sent on 5/25 are listed under "view Computers" as sent on the 26th; and they are all marked "pending," so I think everything resumed as normal.

I sure hope it's the same for everyone. :)

Let me add my kudos and thanks to David and the team for their work getting everything back up; it was sure a scary outage, what with the website down too.


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knash, All of my results

Message 11914 in response to message 11913


All of my results that would have been sent on 5/25 are listed under "view Computers" as sent on the 26th; and they are all marked "pending," so I think everything resumed as normal.

I sure hope it's the same for everyone. :)

Let me add my kudos and thanks to David and the team for their work getting everything back up; it was sure a scary outage, what with the website down too.

Last wu was granted credit but the four sent back right afrer outage are still pending. looks like I am not getting any credit for that work done.

Ken Vogt
Ken Vogt
Joined: 18 Jan 05
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knash, Remember, WUs need

Message 11915 in response to message 11914


Remember, WUs need confirmation by 2 other users before credit is granted; they are marked "pending" until that validation happens. So it is completely normal for your 4 recent WUs to be marked pending.

You can click the Work Unit ID to see what other computers, if any yet, are working on that WU, but this can lead to obsessive behavior about why one's results are always being sent to slow computers, etc.

Believe me, I have been down that road! :)

Rest assured, any WU marked Pending will eventually receive credit, except in the very rare case when the result can't be confirmed.


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