From the home page:
June 27, 2005
We are completing our final S3 analysis jobs. The Einstein@Home server will be down for some brief periods (a few minutes) during the next day, as we start to distribute workunits which use the LIGO S4 data set.
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
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Completion of S3 Analysis, starting S4 data
Hi Randy,
Well I did some of the S3 stuff on my P4-3Gig machine.I just dedicated my P3-550Hurtz to a 24-7 status on Einstien and Predictor. So now you have .0018333% the speed of last week.
Andy, Dit this transition
Dit this transition change the 'Work Unit Data Fle' size from 14+ Mb to 6+ Mb?
Any insight on the theoretical amount of WU's that can be extract from the 14 MB ?
RE: Andy, Dit this
My personal best was 8 from the same Work Unit, 3.6 is the average for me on 500+ results.
Mary Jo who sent me a log got 13 out of one Work Unit, and if I understand the numbers right there are at LEAST 27 total work units in the file:
Computation for result H1_1167.5__1167.9_0.1_T27_Fin1_2 finished
Where the "T27" for her started at T10 and counted up...