The Case of the Missing Wingman

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Topic 192965

If you take a look at this quorum, you will see one of my Linux boxes which became the wingman for a box whose original wingman crashed and burned probably just as he was about to enter solid combat :). That must have spooked the remaining pilot as he went missing for a full month!!

Well, stone the crows!!, but, after my original wingman went AWOL, my replacement wingmen kept dropping like flies and then who should come charging out of the clouds to save the day, but ... -- my long lost missing wingman!! :).

Good to see he was rewarded for finding his way back out of the Bermuda Triangle :).

(With sincere apologies to whoever the brilliant wit was that started the "wingman" concept in the first place -- was it Alinator, or perhaps Bikeman??) :).


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The Case of the Missing Wingman


Pretty sure it was me, although I can't swear I was the first to ever use it in a BOINC context. I must be watching too many old war movies! :-)

In any event, I'm pretty sure 'wingman' is in the public domain. ;-)

Regarding the WU, see...

Most old timers can '...take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!' :-D


Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: LOL... Pretty sure it

Message 70068 in response to message 70067



Pretty sure it was me, although I can't swear I was the first to ever use it in a BOINC context. I must be watching too many old war movies! :-)

In any event, I'm pretty sure 'wingman' is in the public domain. ;-)

Regarding the WU, see...

Most old timers can '...take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!' :-D


:-) It wasn't me who termed "wingman" in this context, I also think it was Alinator :-)



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RE: RE: LOL... Pretty

Message 70069 in response to message 70068



Pretty sure it was me, although I can't swear I was the first to ever use it in a BOINC context. I must be watching too many old war movies! :-)

In any event, I'm pretty sure 'wingman' is in the public domain. ;-)

Regarding the WU, see...

Most old timers can '...take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!' :-D


:-) It wasn't me who termed "wingman" in this context, I also think it was Alinator :-)



A quick scan of the message boards finds this post from Alinator made 71 days ago. I couldn't find anything older.

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LOL... Guess that makes


Guess that makes for my 15 minutes of fame for this year! ;-)


Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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From the 1st. of May

From the 1st. of May (although the search says it's only one day old) there's this one:



One of my K6-2's, which was the first one of my hosts to finish an S5R2 has been granted it's credit! Thank you to my WU wingman and Splash One! :-)

Unfortunately, my first wingman got shot down. :-(

257.01 CS for a run of 720030 seconds. Now that's a dogfight! :-D


which probably captures the moment!

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LOL... Seems like a


Seems like a century ago now!

The dates also fit in with my 'war movie' hypothesis. That was when TCM and AMC were running up to Memorial Day. :-)

In any event, at this point in S5R2 a success on the K6's feels like a major victory in the Crunching Wars. :-D


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