I am still running version 7.0.28. The new version is 7.0.64. Should I install the update? If chose to do so, what about my currently running tasks? Do I have to set "no new tasks" and wait until they finished before installing the new version?
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BOINC update
Normally you can just install over the previous version but this time they did some changes concerning the GPU-task so they risk being aborted with a "maximum time exceeded"" error.
I'd set "No new task" until you run out of GPU-tasks and then shut down Boinc completely and then install the new version. Any tasks remaining should be picked up and resumed like after a normal restart.
RE: I am still running
All you have to do is update. It's best to exit BOINC first. If BOINC 7.0.28 is running fine is there a reason? I ask because 7.0.64 has known work fetch issues (that were known BTW when it was released). That said, 7.0.28 has work fetch issues too. If updating I'd recommend going to 7.1.3 as at least some of the bugs have been stomped.
RE: Normally you can just
This is only a problem at Seti, and only when you use the optimized (Lunatics) applications, and then only when you didn't specify a flops amount in the app_info.xml file. It is not a problem at Einstein or any other project where they use the GPU.
Thanks for the answers. I
Thanks for the answers. I guess I'll try updating BOINC tomorrow and hope that it goes well.