Not a problem really, more like an inconvenience.
Sometimes (rarely) this web site delivers a blank page. A refresh of the page then delivers the contents.
Is this something other users experience or is it something on my end?
I use firefox on windows.
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Blank pages from web site
That is a known problem and usually resolved by a refresh. As you say it is only a little inconvenience.
RE: Not a problem really,
When that happens to me, I also use Firefox, the offending page seems to think it's loaded long before it really is. I mean you click the link and a blank page loads, but Einstein seems to think all is good as the arrow is not spinning even TRYING to load the page, it thinks it's already loaded when in fact it is not.
I have been seeing this for
I have been seeing this for months on various Einstein site pages, including forum pages, various accounts pages, and so on. The rate of occurrence seems to vary somewhat systematically as there are days when it seems to happen on more than one out of 10 page loads, and there are weeks when it doesn't seem to happen at all in many hundreds of page loads.
As Mikey has commented, when I see this the blank page appears essentially instantly (in less than a second anyway). For me it is an annoyance, but I know to look for it, and the remedy is easy. I imagine it could be more of a problem for newcomers.