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4 May 2022 15:29:01 UTC
Topic 227498
I have not been able to download any new Einstein@home tasks for the last 2 and a half days. I am running Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) v1.33 (BRP4SSE) windows_intelx86. Any clue as to what is going on?
BRP4 processing for x86 CPUs has been moved to the BRP4G category.
go into your system preferences and select the (Arecibo, GPU) category. this is "BRP4G". I know the naming is not intuitive but it's due to a shift in data distribution for the two projects. there were too many devices crunching the smaller BRP4 tasks and it was causing issues with the project server. so BRP4 is left to rather slow ARM CPUs, while x86 CPUs and Intel GPUs were moved to BRP4G to lighten the load.
BRP4 processing for x86 CPUs
BRP4 processing for x86 CPUs has been moved to the BRP4G category.
go into your system preferences and select the (Arecibo, GPU) category. this is "BRP4G". I know the naming is not intuitive but it's due to a shift in data distribution for the two projects. there were too many devices crunching the smaller BRP4 tasks and it was causing issues with the project server. so BRP4 is left to rather slow ARM CPUs, while x86 CPUs and Intel GPUs were moved to BRP4G to lighten the load.
see information about it here: https://einsteinathome.org/content/em-searches-brp-raidiopulsar-and-fgrp-gamma-ray-pulsar
Ok, that resolves my issue.
Ok, that resolves my issue. Thank you!