APP_INFO File Entry for S6BUCKET

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Topic 195789

Can anybody provide an example for the app_info file entry for the S6BUCKET run?

Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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APP_INFO File Entry for S6BUCKET

I'm not using an app_info, but here are the relevant bits from client_state.xml which will allow you to construct your own. This from 32-bit Windows, and a Core2-class CPU.





The rules of this game are: Work from an existing app_info.xml file. Make a fresh copy of the and blocks, and update those with the names and numbers from the example above. (I've stripped out a few that you won't use). Make a new block for any new files listed - looks like you'll only need the new main program, from that lot (and remember to download the file, too!).

If you get stuck, refer to anonymous platform.

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Thank you Richard. I've got

Thank you Richard.
I've got it. The problem is to find out, which files are needed. The hint with the client_state.xml file is perfect.

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Thank you Richard, added the

Thank you Richard,
added the section to my app_info.xml and downloaded the >einstein_S6Bucket_1.01_windows_intelx86__SSE2.exe, restarted boinc-client. I think, that einstein@home use the same files on Win32 and Win64, so i hope that it works. Now i'm waitung for the first wu....

Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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Hmmmm. Why is that

Hmmmm. Why is that nicely-formatted [pre] block I posted slowly losing its line breaks - and why do they come back again in #input mode?

Edit - and why did they come back again for good, when I posted that?

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Hmmmm. Why is that


Hmmmm. Why is that nicely-formatted [pre] block I posted slowly losing its line breaks - and why do they come back again in #input mode?

Edit - and why did they come back again for good, when I posted that?

Looks great in Firefox 3.6.17, with multi-level indents ( 4 spaces per indent ).

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Nice and tidy in FF

Nice and tidy in FF 4.0.1.


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MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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I was wondering about the

I was wondering about the Gravitational Wave S6 GC search v1.01 I just noticed one of my machines had just finished one and had 3 more in progress but hadn't heard about this one.

(I just checked 2 other pc's that I don't check as often since they only run Einstein and they have finished several of them already)

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Hey, up to date i never saw a

Hey, up to date i never saw a s6bucket wu (using app_info.xml).....


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I've got the first ones

I've got the first ones yesterday and they are crunched fine.
App_info is working successfully

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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This has nothing to do with

This has nothing to do with buckets, but the Gravitational Wave S6 GC search v1.01 seem to run nicely faster on my machine: 13800 - 14000 s vs. 13200 - 13400 s. Going from 3.9 to 4.0 GHz on my Sandy Bridge (HT on) also resulted in ~13400 s for the last S5 WUs. That's more of a difference than the difference in credits for these WUs - nice!

Quick check: linux Nehalem based i7 is also faster, as well as a C2Q under Win.


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