All things Nvidia GPU

Stephen "Heretic"
Stephen "Heretic"
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Keith Myers wrote:Still

Keith Myers wrote:

Still clueless.  I see no such profile link on Ian's page. Is this a Windows only thing or something?


 . . OK, now I am totally confused. Why would it be different for us. When I click on the user name it takes me to their profile page. On the left is a large box with their details like date joined and any profile they have provided.  On the right is a stack of boxes such as their friends and the projects they have joined. The very top box is 'statistics' and shows their total and average credit. In the same box just below that is shows a link to display their computers. Immediately below that link is a crude blue graph showing their productivity over time. I get it whenever I look at another user, but not when I look at my own profile.

 . .  Curiouser and curiouser said Alice ...

 . . OH, and I am using three Linux boxes.



Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Keith, he’s talking about

Keith, he’s talking about this, on someone’s main profile page the graph that exists below the “Show Computers” link


Stephen, it could be that you just started crunching recently or just started allowing stats export? The graph lags a bit. Give it a couple days. 


Stephen "Heretic"
Stephen "Heretic"
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 . . Thanks Ian for

 . . Thanks Ian for clarifying what I was trying to describe. And thanks for the explanation ..  I will be patient.



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I believe that graph is auto

I believe that graph is auto scaled by whatever generates it. A single rogue extreme value can push the scaling to where the graph just appears all-white. I think this happened to all of us in some episode many months ago. The only resolution was to wait out the timescale of the graph (a couple of months?), after which the rogue value scrolled out of consideration and suddenly the graph appeared normal again. I speculate this happened to your individual account rather than to all of us this time.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Pretty sure it’s linked to

Pretty sure it’s linked to the stats export and not some errant spike. If you check his stats on FreeDC you can see that there only exists a single huge spike at the magnitude of his total production a few days ago with no history before that. This leads me to believe he only recently enabled stats exporting. Stephen can confirm if that’s the case. 

also observe Gaurav’s profile, who also does not export his stats, his profile exhibits the same symptom of no graph. Same with Syracuse University and Science United, who also don’t seem to be exporting stats for Einstein. Pretty strong correlation there. 


Stephen "Heretic"
Stephen "Heretic"
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  . . Yep I can confirm I


 . . Yep I can confirm I only recently turned on 'exporting stats'.  And only because I was wondering if it was the cause. When it didn't change I thought it wasn't but Ian's theory seem highly probable. So now only time will tell.  I wonder how many weeks I will have to wait to see any sign ...  :)

 . . I just checked again and it's there ...  yay!



Stephen "Heretic"
Stephen "Heretic"
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 . . OK, I think E@H is

 . . OK, I think E@H is playing games with me.  Now it's gone again and I haven't changed any settings.




Joseph Stateson
Joseph Stateson
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I just realized I cannot run

I just realized I cannot run nvidia-settings after setting "coolbits" as an unusable xorg.conf is created.

My system has an iGpu (i7-6700) and three NVidia mining cards, all P102-100. These cards do not have display out.

If I run "nvidia-xconfig -a --cool-bits=4" that app creates xorg.conf which thinks I have three NVIdia video boards.  Since none of these boards have video out I lose my display right after rebooting.  nvidia-settings cannot run with no display!  So I probably "set" coolbits but cannot then use that feature.

I can restore my display and desktop (18.04) by deleting that xorg.conf and rebooting.   Nvidia-settings then works as usual.


Looking at nvidia-settings I read where the slowdown temperature is 93 degrees.  Since it never gets that hot in my garage maybe I dont need to get coolbits working?


I posted about this over at askubuntu as there is probably some iGpu info I can add to that xorg.conf file to make it use the iGpu.  I dont know enough about Ubuntu to do that.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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it's setting the wrong GPU to

it's setting the wrong GPU to be the display out. this is a common bug. you need to edit the xorg.conf manually before reboot and move the display back to the right device. nvidia-settings needs the display on device0. open the xorg.conf file with a text editor like nano (you need elevated privileges to edit this file) and under 'Section "Device" ' for Device0, make sure the BusID matches that of the device running your display. 


see here for finding the busID of your intel iGPU and how to add it to the file:


Joseph Stateson
Joseph Stateson
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Ian&Steve C. wrote:see here

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

see here for finding the busID of your intel iGPU and how to add it to the file:


Thanks!  That worked almost exactly.  I had to mod screen layout and add intel before it showed up.  If you have an account at askubuntu I can go there and add a "+"

Note the "slowdown temp 93" in below jpg.  I hope that is correct.  Two of my card hit 83 -84 and stay there.  I replaced the heat sink compound but it didn't make a difference.  Changing the fan speed did.

Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier     "Layout0"
    Screen         "intel"
    Screen      0  "Screen0" Rightof "intel"
    Screen      1  "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
    Screen      2  "Screen2" RightOf "Screen1"
    InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"


However, coolbits did not get me anything except changing speed of fans.  I thought it would allow changing clock





I am running two concurrent work units on a win10 and an 18.04 system with RX570 to see the difference.  Will post about it later.

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