There was a CUDA app during the testing phase. But the project admins had problems getting good validation with the Windows cuda app. So they settled on an OpenCL app for Linux. It’s unclear how much effort the admins will put into getting a working CUDA app for Linux.
I realised my mistake: Although working from ‘web preferences,I had set CPU and GPU to run all the time.
I have now set GPU and GPU to run ‘based on preferences’, so they now respond when the computer is busy, by suspending crunching
You just trying to find a replacement for your duff 3080 or are you trying to go low power?
I am not completely convinced it is the rtx 3080 ti.
Low power. I am looking at other rigs that are not expensive to stand up and would actually have some GPU performance too. It is quite clear that gt 710's don't make the cut and gtx 1660 Supers are too expensive (I think).
So I got to wondering about Ryzen 3700/3950x rigs with a little GPU crunching. Maybe a good idea or not. But I have motherboards, ram and probably psu's to do it. Would need more CPUs and useful gpus.
Have to chase up some cases. My mining racks take up too much space.
See what more paychecks do to me :)
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
>>What would the best choice for Nvidia boinc processing for under a $100?
>>I have seen some gtx 1060's on eBay that were being bid that low.
I'm running a GTX1060-SC (6GB), so feel free to browse my computer for an idea of what it can do. I chose that GPU specifically for the low power spec. Nvidia-smi reports it at 99% GPU utilization (one BRP-7 task) and the power usage bounces around in the mid-80 watt range. Temps in the 70C range with just air-cooling fan.
It will neither put you in the top tier of crunchers nor heat your home in the winter.
Personally I would aim at turing GPU - in some projects there are much faster than pascal: collatz, sr-base, and some of PG. Maybe 1650 - more than budget You mentioned, but consider it?
Also regarding power consumption: UV is always welcome, or power restriction under Linux
With 10-20% computing time increase one can save ~ 50% of electric power.
There was a CUDA app during
There was a CUDA app during the testing phase. But the project admins had problems getting good validation with the Windows cuda app. So they settled on an OpenCL app for Linux. It’s unclear how much effort the admins will put into getting a working CUDA app for Linux.
I realised my mistake:
I realised my mistake: Although working from ‘web preferences,I had set CPU and GPU to run all the time.
I have now set GPU and GPU to run ‘based on preferences’, so they now respond when the computer is busy, by suspending crunching
Julian Pedley BSc, MSc
UK, Nottinghamshire
What would the best choice
What would the best choice for Nvidia boinc processing for under a $100?
I have seen some gtx 1060's on eBay that were being bid that low.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
You just trying to find a
You just trying to find a replacement for your duff 3080 or are you trying to go low power?
Keith Myers wrote:You just
I am not completely convinced it is the rtx 3080 ti.
Low power. I am looking at other rigs that are not expensive to stand up and would actually have some GPU performance too. It is quite clear that gt 710's don't make the cut and gtx 1660 Supers are too expensive (I think).
So I got to wondering about Ryzen 3700/3950x rigs with a little GPU crunching. Maybe a good idea or not. But I have motherboards, ram and probably psu's to do it. Would need more CPUs and useful gpus.
Have to chase up some cases. My mining racks take up too much space.
See what more paychecks do to me :)
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M, >>What would the
Tom M,
>>What would the best choice for Nvidia boinc processing for under a $100?
>>I have seen some gtx 1060's on eBay that were being bid that low.
I'm running a GTX1060-SC (6GB), so feel free to browse my computer for an idea of what it can do. I chose that GPU specifically for the low power spec. Nvidia-smi reports it at 99% GPU utilization (one BRP-7 task) and the power usage bounces around in the mid-80 watt range. Temps in the 70C range with just air-cooling fan.
It will neither put you in the top tier of crunchers nor heat your home in the winter.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote: What would the
You can buy an Nvidia 3060 brand new for under $400
a 3060 Ti for $500:
IMHO getting 2 gpu's is better than getting a single gpu anyday as it gives you more options.
If you really want a single gpu you can get a 3080 for $1000:
Personally I would aim at
Personally I would aim at turing GPU - in some projects there are much faster than pascal: collatz, sr-base, and some of PG. Maybe 1650 - more than budget You mentioned, but consider it?
Also regarding power consumption: UV is always welcome, or power restriction under Linux
With 10-20% computing time increase one can save ~ 50% of electric power.
Would this even work with
Would this even work with BOINC projects?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).