Account E-mail address fix/delete

Joined: 28 May 09
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Topic 196257

I have two account email addresses neither of which are showing up on BAM correctly. I can sign into both of them
but I cannot fix either of them. When I sign into either one of them and try to change the e-mail address I get "there is already an account with that e-mail address". Does anyone know how to fix this?

Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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Account E-mail address fix/delete

You can't. Since the email address is the primary (unique) key for BOINC accounts, no two accounts with the same email address can exist.

The only thing you can do is to abandon one of your Einstein accounts; that is, remove (detach) all hosts from it and add (attach) them to the other one.

Accounts can't be merged either.


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

Joined: 28 May 09
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Thanks, This means that all

This means that all credit on inaccessable account will be lost correct?

Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
Joined: 1 Mar 05
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That account shouldn't be

That account shouldn't be inaccesible. You just can't merge them.

So, the credits aren't really lost, they are just on different accounts.


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

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