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TBar wrote:I seem to be making a little progress. Apparently you need to use the latest AMD driver 20.10 for 18.04....
2nd May 2020
Keith Myers wrote: You keep forgetting you can't compare apples to apples, when comparing Nvidia apps to AMD apps. AMD...
2nd May 2020
Zalster wrote: Thanks for all your support and contributions over the years.  Good luck on your future endeavors...
2nd May 2020
I have an Nvidia only system and an AMD only system.  After farting around (see another tagline about old farts) I have...
2nd May 2020
For an RX 560 4GB gpu what is the "perfect" combination of CPU and gpu settings?  eg. 1:1, 0.5:0.33 etc. Thank you....
2nd May 2020