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astro-marwil wrote:... I'm playing with the adjustments.Make sure you hasten slowly with further playing:-). The full...
13th May 2023
Scrooge McDuck wrote: .... I've the same problem with the opposite effect. The runtime of BRP4G GPU tasks (5..10...
11th May 2023
astro-marwil wrote:.... As I want to have a buffer of tasks for a day, the program does calculate still from the about...
11th May 2023
Gary Roberts commented on Humor
Tom M wrote:GroanI don't know what you're groaning about!!  You should be applauding :-). It's probably the perfect...
11th May 2023
GWGeorge007 wrote:Let me be the first to congratulate Gary Roberts for reaching the 100 Billion mark!!!My first reaction...
11th May 2023