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> I missed the report-deadlinie for a wu by half an hour - and got no credits. > Is this normal / fair for users...
29th March 2005
> Sure did. I have even cut and pasted them. So, do you actually have Boinc running? Is there a Boinc icon down in...
29th March 2005
> > But he said that the situation was reversed when he ran Seti. > Ponder > > that for a moment.......
28th March 2005
> Yes. ..... But he said that the situation was reversed when he ran Seti. Ponder that for a moment.... We can...
28th March 2005
So, for E@H it would appear that main memory is more important than L2 cache since 1gig main plus 512mb L2 gives times of...
28th March 2005